Thursday, December 16, 2021

European union essay topics

European union essay topics

Eventually, even the EU airline industry, despite its relative health in comparison to the United States, may chafe at the additional economic burdens it is being forced to suffer at the hands of the regulatory commission. It is thought that the proponents of European union essay topics integration adopted this theory as their main integration strategy. There was a political design to the referendum where the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, hoped that…. International Institute for Sustainable Development. EU Employment Law: Form Rome to Amsterdam and Beyond, european union essay topics. According to the agreement, this was to occur no later than and for three years thereafter Euro coins and banknotes would be issued Eichengreen and Frieden. Turkey and the European union Let us begin this by looking at what the EU wants from Turkey.

European Law Essay Topics List

European Union Describe how the EU is governed, i. This came as a result of a series of treaties and commitment of member states in integration through the harmonization of european union essay topics and adoption of common policies on quite a number of issues. The sovereignty of the member states have been pooled in most economic and social issues and the quality of decision making is supranational. Decision making with regard to some areas such as foreign policy necessitate consensus of the member states. There are common institutions that are used in the setting and promotion of the collective interests of the EU, a total of seven institutions have been set up for this, including: European Commission, Council of the European Union Council of MinistersEuropean Parliament, European Council,….

References Hoskyns, C. Democratizing the European Union: Issues for the twenty-first Century Perspectives on Democratization. Manchester University Press. Nees, Greg, Germany: Unraveling an enigma, Intercultural press. Sear, S. Managing the impact of the Euro, Hampshire: Gower publishing. These reasons and the opposition met in the public opinion must be taken into consideration by the governments of each members state and so there is a great impact over the admission of new members, european union essay topics, such as Croatia. The date of the accession of Croatia in the European Union seems to provide great debate, not only because the country is not considered ready to join the Union, but most importantly because the EU is divided by conflicting opinions regarding the necessity or the benefit of further enlargement.

The debate about Croatia's admission is not centered on the accomplishments of the country, but on the necessity of the EU to be even further enlarged. Admitting Croatia into the European Union can represent a very important step forward for this country and an example for other alkan nations that development can be achieved and that EU admission is desirable and worth working…. pdf; Avery, european union essay topics, G. Batt, "Balkans in Europe: why, when and how? pdf. Secondly, european union essay topics, a more fundamental reimagining of the public sphere as a concept will undoubtedly help to dismantle some of the destructive and disruptive assumptions governing the Commission's response to public dissatisfaction. By focusing on "debate" as the central tenet of a healthy public sphere, the European Union's leadership is able to avoid facing any real public criticism, because that criticism may be treated as an illegitimate and uninformed debate position by the ruling authority.

Thus, a "change in perspective from the 'public sphere' to, respectively, 'public discourse'" forces both ruled and rulers to discuss the formulation of policy on equal footing, because one side is not able to dictate what does and does not constitute a reasonable position Steeg,p. As can be seen in the Commission's discussion of its communication policy, the concept of "debate" in the public sphere functions as a kind of distraction from the…. References Calhoun, C. Dictionary of the social sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Commission of the European Communities, Communicating europe in partnership. National economic planning was extensively accepted in postwar Europe with the French indicative planning european union essay topics a much accepted model of the government and the private sector joining hands in the modernizing the economy. Several European economists considered that the public policy and public money could be combined to shape a greater rational and a more reasonable economic system. Springer,p. Especially, european union essay topics, the association between the national and sub-national government has undergone change a great deal. The coming of the "Europe of the egions" is no more a buzzword, but rather a vital reality in the EU.

Of course, the European Commission found in the regional governments a crucial supporter in fostering the Single European Market -- SEM and in doing so; it lessened the resistance of a lot…. References Balchin, Paul; Sykora, Ludek; Bull, Gregory. The Regional Policy and Planning in Europe. Bouvet, Florence. European Union Regional Policy: Allocation Determinants and Effects on Regional Economic Growth. Department of Economics, University of California. pdf [25 December ]. Magone, Jose. Regional Institutions and Governance in the European Union. European Union's Policy Towards The Conflict In The Middle East The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has always been of major concern to Europe because of the importance of this festering issue that has defied all attempts at a satisfactory solution for the last half-century and because of Europe's proximity of the Middle East.

Prior tothe EU member countries had differing policies with the Gaullist France displaying a pro-Arab bias and countries like Germany and Netherlands having very close relations with Israel. Since that time, and especially since the Oslo accord ofthe European Union has tried to follow a unified and consistent policy with regard to the Middle European union essay topics conflict. In this paper we shall review the background and general development of the policy; the problems that the policy has faced, and the current status of the policy. The paper also includes a general assessment of the EU's Middle…. References The European Union. Middle East: The Faultline.

Le Monde, diplomatique. The EU and the Middle East Process, european union essay topics. European Union in the World: External Relations. htm European Commission welcomes Quartet's presentation of the Middle East Road Map. EUropean Union Enlargement When ten countries recently joined the 15 existing European Union EU member-states, the event represented the largest enlargement of the European union essay topics Union in its history Golino, One of the major perceived benefits of this union is that the countries formed an economic, political and military coalition with a combined population of million people and an economy that produces approximately one-quarter of the world's annual output.

The new members include eight Central European countries -- the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia -- plus Malta and european union essay topics southern Greek-Cypriot part of Cyprus Golino, Their inclusion is expected to further shape the future character of the EU, how it governs itself, and the global role it pursues. It is also seen as an affirmation of European identity and of a break from Europe's communist past. The Eastern European and Mediterranean countries have…. Bibliography EU considers future expansion. February 15, BBC News. December, 17, World Tariff Online Database.

Europe, european union essay topics, America face a 'depth integration' April 29, People's Daily, p. Golino, L. August21, european union essay topics, EU expansion reshapes future of Europe. Washington Times. Inthe Treaty of ome led to the creation european union essay topics the European Atomic Energy Community EUATOM and the European Economic Community EECwhich would become better known as the European Community. These early federations were direct predecessors of the European Union, which was formally established through the Treaty of Maastricht in The Maastricht treaty strengthened the powers of the intra-national federation and created cooperative realms of defense, agriculture, environmental law, transportation, human rights, european union essay topics, and international trade.

The single market and the single currency, the Euro, were also established after the European union essay topics of Maastricht. Membership into the European Community and European Union has expanded consistently over the past european union essay topics decades and continues. Inthe United Kingdom, european union essay topics, Ireland, and Denmark joined. Greece became a member inand in Spain and Portugal became members. InAustria, Finland, and Sweden joined. Ineuropean union essay topics, ten countries, many of which…. References The History of the European Union. History of the European Union.

Notification must include a risk assessment with information necessary for evaluating the foreseeable risks posed by the GMO to human health or the environment, to which the competent authority will evaluate and provide written consent as a prerequisite release. European union essay topics approved by either the Commission or Council may be used without prohibition, restriction, or impediment in any member state. Bibliography Alteri, M. Brough, D. Failure to honor these debts has far reaching consequences on European banks which own these countries debts. Struggling banks are likely to suffer investors' confidence and credit. Countries that are beneficiaries of credit from these banks have come up with austerity measures that have been synonymous with recession The Economist, This has further deepened the fears that governments would be less likely to honor their debts.

This has further weakened the banks. In spite of the fact that the euro zone has the capacity to run on its banks and governments bearing in mind that it has the backing of the European Central Bank ECBit has blatantly failed to…. References List Burgen, S. July 2, Spain fails to match Euro successes with opportunities for its youth. The Guardian. Taking Europe's Pulse: Interactive Overview of European GDP, Debts, and Jobs. The Economist. European Union egulations EU law is used as a source of law to member states of the union. Article of the TFEU states that, regulations expressed to have 'general application' means that it creates binding obligations to legal practitioners within the jurisdiction of the union.

introduction narrative essay

The New York Times, January 4, Retrieved January In Italy, Mussolini exploited the state of confusion and malaise to seize power. From this cradle, Fascism emerged into the world. In Germany, it morphed into Nazism, a more virulent and transformed fascism feeding upon race mysticism as well as extreme nationalism and dictatorship. Both countries took this highway to the Hell of World War II. During this second installment of Great War, European countries groaned under the Fascist boot heel and fought back under native partisan movements in the underground resistance.

Ironically, the European Federal movement was midwifed by Italian political theorist Alberto Spineless. After the Second World War, the people of Europe wanted human rights, an end to despotism against both and human freedom and dignity. he Union of European Federalists was formed in December of In the wake of two world wars, theorists such as Spineless were convinced that Federalism in Europe would save Europe by…. The Union of European Federalists was formed in December of In the wake of two world wars, theorists such as Spineless were convinced that Federalism in Europe would save Europe by transcending nationalism much as the multinational Resistance had in World War II.

In this movement, Communists, Socialists, and Christian Democrats resisted Fascisim in a united front. Spinelli and contemporary E. Rossi wrote the Ventone Manifesto, encouraging a federation of European States to make way for the European Union body. Union of European Federalist concluded that the existing political system could not creatre the new Europe. Federalist advocates thought that Europe integration was a process of building for the politics of a new Europe. After achieving freedom from the Nazi tyranny, the people of Western Europe developed a consensus that a united Europe was the best way to bring peace and prosperity.

Opposition forces like Resistance movement veterans thought they should overcome nationalism. Uniting Europe was the first task in its post war recovery. Federalism provided the theoretical basis of these for this movement. As the result, Federalism plans appeared as a blueprint to prevent future European wars. The federal ideas were first concretely represented in the European Coal and Steel Community ECSC in in the Treaty of Paris. The ECSC paved the way for the integration of Europe, followed by the European Economic Community EEC in and the European Union EU of based upon the Matriarchs Treaty. Transnational organizations now are paving the way for a Europe that will be one state.

While the government may have initial setup costs to bring legislation and services into line with other member states, there are a large variety of benefits in the long-term. These include benefits to the government itself, with increased stability in the economy and overall prosperity. There are also numerous benefits to the individuals within the country, such as the freedom to travel and work within the different countries within the market. There are further benefits to companies as they benefit from increased access to consumers, also benefiting consumers by increasing quality of goods while at the same time lowering prices.

It does appear from the information available on the common market at present that while there are likely to be benefits to all in joining it is the poorer members who benefit the most. This is largely due to these countries having the most to gain from the benefits which…. References Europe on the Move. November Kenen, Peter B. The International Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Schimmelfenig, Frank, Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel. The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, For example, the EP has the right to bring an action for failure to act, and can also take action to have the ECJ review acts of the Council or the Commission.

Despite those protections, the ECJ determined that the legal remedies provided for in the Euratom Treaty and EEC treaty might be ineffective or uncertain. For example, an action for failure to act cannot be used to challenge a measure that has already been adopted. In addition, though the EP has the right to seek a preliminary ruling on the validity of such an action, such a ruling does not mean that anyone will actually bring an action for annulment. In fact, even though the Commission is required to respect the EP's prerogatives, it is not obliged to adopt the EP's positions as its own. As a result, the ECJ concluded that the legal remedies available to the EP…. Works Cited "Article University College Cork. Council of Ministers, Judgment of the ECJ of 22 March , European Court Reports , p.

Thus, despite the high per-capita incomes in Scandinavia, consumers are value-conscious. Unlike Germany, Scandinavians are willing to pay more for wine, and recognize quality differences. Netherlands Like Scandinavia, the Netherlands is open to wine imports. With historical connections to Spain and Portugal, and without alliances with Italy or France, Dutch wine drinkers are friendly to imports and to the Spanish character found in Chilean wines. Like Scandinavians, the Dutch have high per-capita incomes are willing to spend for super-premium wines. They are unwilling to 'overpay' for quality, however, and are likely to compare the quality of an 8 pound Chilean wine to similarly-priced products from Australia, the U.

And other major wine exporting countries. Chilean Wine Promotion in Europe Chile is not alone in wanting to increase wine exports to Europe. Australia and the United States have developed significant market share and see growing exports to European markets. The Wine…. Bibliography Alcyon. Anderson, K. The World's Wine Markets: Globalization at Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, According to the agreement, this was to occur no later than and for three years thereafter Euro coins and banknotes would be issued Eichengreen and Frieden. By , the Euro had been implemented as the single currency for member states.

However, the implementation and consequent use of the Euro appeared to be a bit rocky. According to an article found in the journal Challenge, the value of the Euro had fallen slightly. The author blamed this fall on the central bank and its efforts to shore up the Euro Bibow. The author contends that this unrelenting support stifled economic growth. After a brief rebound toward the…. Works Cited. European Economic and Monetary Union EMU and the euro. Included is a critical assessment of the sources used. All of the sources used for this report were well written, concise, and understandable. The European Union and the Euro are difficult topics to understand on a first reading, but the authors had a real understanding of their topics, and explained the issues clearly.

For example, Taylor gives the background that makes the forming of the European Union more understandable. The subject could be considered dry, but Taylor gives it life, making his book interesting to read, and right to the point. He writes with authority,…. References Barclays Capital. stm Euro Web Site. The Integration of the European Union and Domestic Political Issues. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, European Federalism: Historical Analysis Fascism is considered to be a political belief and concept, which is based on the principle that social, economic and cultural and traditional beliefs of a country must be used in order to increase nationalism.

In Europe, fascist movements had emerged in twentieth century. The goal of these fascist movements was to promote fundamentalist and fanatic beliefs in order to deal with the social and political turmoil that occurred in the European region after the end of World War I. Federalism is considered to be the theory, which is based on the principles of federation, which seeks to create a balance of power by dividing it among the member of the same institution. The aim of this paper is to historically analyze the rise of European Union from to the end of World War II in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. Boka Eva : The Democratic European Idea in Central Europe, Federalism contra Nationalism Specimina Nova, University of Pecs, Boka Eva : In Search of European federalism.

Society and Economy The Journal of the Corvinus University of Budapest , Levi, Lucio ed. Franco Angeli, Milan 4. Lindberg, Leon : The Political Dynamics of European Economic Integration. Stanford University Press. European Parliament, Democratic Legitimacy and the EU Introduction Background The EU has three legislative aspects—the supranational aspect the Commission , the intergovernmental aspect the European Council and the Council of the EU , and the parliamentary aspects the EP. In other words, the only way the people of Europe can directly and democratically influence the shaping of EU policy is through the EP. Would a united police or military force for the EU be an effective tool for combating terrorism?

Terrorism continues to be a highly pervasive threat to only the developed economies, but to the world overall. For one, as technology continues to advance, the ability for terrorists to procure and utilize deadly weapons also increases? In addition, the diverse array of terrorism has grown in recent years as chemical weapons and cyber security becomes more prevalent. Finally, the ability to detect attacks has become much more difficult as culprits can now attack from anywhere in the world due to technology innovations. All of these elements create a horrifying future for those looking to guard against terrorist attacks. One way to effectively do so, is through collaboration. By united various forces within the developed world the ability to detect terrorist activity is greatly increased.

This is primarily attributable to much more data,…. References: 1. Ackerman, Gary A, and Lauren E. Antinori, Arije. Organized Crime: A Contested Concept The presence of organized crime in modern society is not as a cut and dry concept as most people would intuitively think. Take for example the existence of prostitution in virtually every society that has existed throughout the course of humanity. Although it is clear that this practice falls outside the realm of what is considered to be acceptable by the majority, many of the practitioners of this trade are actually grateful that they have the opportunity, the clients are obviously satisfied or else the demand for such services would not exist in the first place, and there is, in most cases, no one that is actually harmed in the process at least directly.

Therefore, whether organized or not, where does the actual criminality for such practices come into play? But when it just recently occurred in at a store in Jonquiere, British Columbia, the reader must appreciate that a real battle had been won. The original efforts of that particular store for example had the local labor Commission reject certification by a margin of 74 to When the union announced that it won the coveted certification at Quebec, it was quite a blow to the retailer. The Quebec Labour elations Commission issued the order certifying the United Food and Commercial Workers Union UFCW as the bargaining agent of employees in Wal-Mart's store in Jonquiere.

As noted, the reason a victory of this magnitude is huge is because of the policies and tactics used by Wal-Mart. The retailer works diligently to prevent its workforce from engaging in any collective action and they have consistently shown that they are willing to cross the line to guarantee their position. References Baek, Seung Wook. Budd, John W. Corbett, Brian Delsohn, Gary. After the statement of the Truman Doctrine in , both Greece and Turkey were provided with aid to counter the Soviet threat. When the war ended, circumstances in Greece were unfavorable to the maintenance of civil peace: EAM was in control of nearly all Greece.

Its leaders numbered many excellent liberals, the most eminent being Professor Svolos, a Socialist; but the Communists were clearly dominant. The returning Greek army was under the control of rabid, uncompromising monarchist officers Had the issue of Greek sovereignty been left to these two Greek forces, there is no doubt of the outcome. The ineffectiveness of the returned Greek monarchist army was shown when, at the end of , civil war broke out in Greece. ELAS surrounded the monarchist army and immobilized it from the outset. However, they were not left to their own devices, and instead they were influenced by outside forces from ritain…. Bibliography Anderson, Paul, "Why Did the Spanish Civil War Start in July ?

Bolloten, Burnett. The Spanish Revolution: The Left and the Struggle for Power during the Civil War. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, Kousoulas, Dimitrios G. The Price of Freedom: Greece in World Affairs, ? Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, Smith, Howard K. The State of Europe. New York: Knopf, Neo-Functionalism the European Model The concept of neo-functionalism originated in the s after the Second World War. During that time, the world was witnessing an emerging pattern of regional integration that saw countries especially in Europe and Latin America eliminate trade barriers in a bid to form regional economic blocks.

Neo-functionalism, widely considered as a theory, is synonymous with western European integration. It is thought that the proponents of European integration adopted this theory as their main integration strategy. According to Rosamond , neo-functionalism was triggered by the interactive activity among the original six member states p. On the other hand, Eilstrup-Sangiovanni , asserts that neo-functionalism was as a result of the behaviorist turn in American social science that were centered on institutional forms, behavior and the integration process p. He however notes that neo-functionalism failed to describe the integration process during the empty chair crisis because….

Bibliography Cini, M. European Union Politics. Commission of the European Communities. Treaties Establishing the European Communities. uxembourg: Office of Official Publications of the European Community. Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. Debates on European Integration. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. Goldstein, W. Europe After Maastricht. Foreign Affairs, This is exactly the case with the European Union; a European-Union-Member-State that fails to pay on its public arrears will cause weakening of capital amidst its financers. The danger that this financial catastrophe will extend towards the remaining Euro-Area would position the ECB under immense stress to help and rescue the dissolute Member-State, despite the fact that this move may undermine Euro-Area value in the progression Eichengreen and Wyplosz, As long as private agents consider that ECB would give way to this stress and as long as Member States keep the right to act in a dissolute way, the central bank will eventually require reliability.

Once more, most of this reasoning is also relevant to numerous supply-side procedures; for instance, the viewpoint of inflationary earnings settlements. Salaries negotiating that drive the curve externally will, perhaps, produce pressures for the central bank to assist the ensuing inflation to keep away…. References Agell J. And Jonsson, G. Aizenman, J. Alesina, a. And Uhlig, H. Allsopp, C. And Vines, D. omen and the elderly are more apt to agree that God is indeed the "necessary foundation for morality and good values" PE. Meanwhile, in the Journal of Beliefs and Values illiams, et al. Works Cited Adams, James, and Ezrow, Lawrence. Who Do European Parties Represent? How Western European Parties Represent the Policy Preferences of Opinion Leaders.

The Journal of Politics, 71 1 , Bernstein, Elizabeth, and Jakobsen, Janet R. Sex, Secularism and Religious Influence. The eurozone package is politically more complicated. it's designed to show that 16 nations sharing the euro currency will stand united behind the debts of member nations to stave off a potential crisis of confidence that could damage them all. Indeed, one of the core challenges of free trade, globalization and the establishment of intra-continental unions is the inherent difficulty in facing up the inherent incongruity of the aligning markets. The European Union has served as a prime example of this, matching a widely varied set of nations in a single economic pact. The result is that in many contexts, visible distinctions remain even as economic policy is set with the collective in consideration.

These distinctions are not necessarily irreconcilable, but under the current structure of the European Monetary Union, they most certainly are. Works Cited: Baetz, J. Atlanta Journal -- Constitution. html Bilefsky, D. Greece's Stumble Follows a Headlong Rush Into the Euro. The New York Times. Brouwer, K. Is it the Euro or the Yugo? Greek Embassy. Greece in the E. Embassy of Greece; Washington, D. New Pattern of Integration Through Governmental Coordination: European Perspective The beginning of the European Union was with the coalition of six nations namely France, Germany, Italia, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg who entered into a treaty back in the year to determine the ECU Coal and Steel Community.

The next signed treaty was in the year to determine the ECU Economic Community. The Coal and Steel Community were also built with a firmer incentive to improve political stance as oppoed to the economic goals: to attain a peace settlement mainly between the countries of France and Germany. The treaty creating the ECU Economic Community was more motivated towards the achievement of the economic objectives, on the other hand, but had strong political stance as well. It basically aimed to determine a typical or single market by which goods, capital, services, amongst other things could move freely inside the European….

References Begg, Iain et al. pdf Ben-Gera, M. Coordination at the centre of government for better policy making. Conference Paper for Conference on Public Administration Reform and European Integration. Biagi, Marco, -- The Impact of European Employement Strategy on the Role of Labour Law and Industrial Relations --, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, vol. Role of Labor Unions in Industrial Relations In their definition, labor unions have always been known as organizations that have always aimed at getting their members both financial and non-financial benefits.

The role of labor unions is however bigger than that and they have been known to aid in helping employers improve the productivity and discipline of their workers. Labor unions respond to issues differently. This is explained by the differences in industrial relations contexts and also policies of different states as well as strategies of the various employers around the country. Employees come together to form a labor union to achieve a common goal. Labor unions have several goals. Some of the goals include agitating for higher retirement benefits as well as other benefits for its members.

They also seek to increase the number of workers assigned for specific job tasks. They ensure that employees work under good and…. Bibliography Baglioni, G. And C. Crouch eds. The Challenge of Flexibility London: Sage. Barrow, C. Industrial Relations Law. Blanpain, R. Decentralizing Industrial Relations and the Role of Labor Unions and Employee Representatives. New York: Kluwer Law International. Comparative Labor Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market Economies. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.

Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Government European Union Essays European Union Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. There are common institutions that are used in the setting and promotion of the collective interests of the EU, a total of seven institutions have been set up for this, including: European Commission, Council of the European Union Council of Ministers , European Parliament, European Council,… References Hoskyns, C.

As can be seen in the Commission's discussion of its communication policy, the concept of "debate" in the public sphere functions as a kind of distraction from the… References Calhoun, C. Of course, the European Commission found in the regional governments a crucial supporter in fostering the Single European Market -- SEM and in doing so; it lessened the resistance of a lot… References Balchin, Paul; Sykora, Ludek; Bull, Gregory. The paper also includes a general assessment of the EU's Middle… References The European Union. The Eastern European and Mediterranean countries have… Bibliography EU considers future expansion. In , ten countries, many of which… References The History of the European Union.

In spite of the fact that the euro zone has the capacity to run on its banks and governments bearing in mind that it has the backing of the European Central Bank ECB , it has blatantly failed to… References List Burgen, S. Van Gend… References Breuer, C. The "Copenhagen Criteria"… Works Cited Europa. As the EU consolidates its power, and as there is no real international court of appeal to deflect the regulations that affect only the EU, technically, although not in actual practice, the EU's… Works Cited As bankruptcy looms, airlines face new regulation. When you choose your topic, the next step will be to create a plan or an outline as to how you will approach the paper. If you know a little bit on the topic, this will be a little easier.

Make sure that you use current sources so that the paper makes sense and is relevant to the times. If you are writing about the agriculture then you want the latest agricultural news to use as a reference. You will need to make sure that you are really careful in citing all sources that you use that are not considered general knowledge. Give credit to the authors just like you would want them to give you credit for all of your hard work. It is definitely easier if you keep the citations all in one place and then use the in-text citations in the notes to identify where you got the information from.

How and why has the distribution of power altered within the European Community? How does European Union Law act toward sex discrimination in employment? Legal consequences of abolishing the pillar system under the Treaty of Lisbon Market Abuse And Affected Trade Relations between the ECJ and the ECHR in the field of human rights law with examples of case law Rules and legislative procedures on pesticides in comitology State Liability Is A Principle Supremacy Of The European Union Law Td Droit European Supremacy The British response towards European integration is atypical and conditioned by irrational apprehensions. Critically evaluate this statement. To what extent is it still accurate to describe the ECJ as an activists court, if such a description ever were accurate? Uk And Eu Law On Business Reorganizations Union Citizen What are the problems, theoretical and practical, associated with the idea of achieving equality of results?

What are the rules and principles regarding the autonomy of national courts vis-à-vis the ECJ? What are the sources of EU law.

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