Thursday, December 23, 2021

Preservation of wildlife essay

Preservation of wildlife essay

Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns, preservation of wildlife essay. The desert animals conserve water to exist indefinitely on metabolic water and for this they have various adaptations in their morphology as well as physiology. Similarly, trade may be dealt in silk, lac, feathers, wool, fats and oils, wild meat etc. Many people kill them for fun of hunting. In India, the growth of population has caused a lot of damage to the wildlife. It is our responsibility to save preservation of wildlife essay wildlife and our planet. Forests are the habitat for wildlife and for the smooth functioning of biological cycles of the earth; we must conserve forests along with Animal Species.

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In the modern era, human civilization has witnessed considerable progress and it is lagging in the realm of wildlife preservation, preservation of wildlife essay. Wildlife is meant to be preserved and protected rather than being used for selfish interests. Students get to prepare speeches as a part of ASL. It is a crucial part of class 9 and class 10 CBSE ASL evaluation, preservation of wildlife essay. In this blog, few samples of preservation of wildlife speech have been given below. Good morning everyone! I am ABC and I stand before all of you to deliver an insightful and transformative Preservation of Wildlife Speech.

The modern era has indeed provided a boost to the global economy but it is a misbalanced growth as it has had negative repercussions for the wildlife. Animals are to be treated with integrity and respect rather than just being used as a raw material for the production of profitable goods. The price of human greed is paid by the voiceless and innocent animals who are put in jeopardy by them. Animals are a significant part of the ecological system. Hence, we have no right to risk their lives. One must remember that when love for power, is substituted with the power of love, the world preservation of wildlife essay be a peaceful place, preservation of wildlife essay. Thank you so much, everyone, for being patient listeners.

Also Read: Environmental Studies. Extinction means forever. Every day, countless rare plant and animal species become extinct. This includes the preservation of wildlife essay of rare medicinal plants, which reduces the likelihood of discovering new treatments or drugs for human-caused diseases. Wildlife preservation helps humankind in leading a better life whereas lack of wildlife preservation leads to an increase in suffering for humanity. Destruction of forests and a lack of wildlife conservation measures lead to atmospheric changes, increasing the likelihood of natural disasters, global warming, and a decrease in food grain production.

The lack of wildlife preservation of wildlife essay also endangers the lives of coastal residents, particularly when the sea levels rise. It is imperative to take substantial measures for wildlife conservation for restoring ecological balance and protection of other creatures on the planet. Awareness must be instilled at the grassroots level. Nature clubs should be encouraged in all schools and colleges. Various initiatives should be taken to save rare birds and animals should be promoted. Any sort of trade-in wildlife should be curbed and prohibited. The sale of animals and animal parts, whether for medicinal or other purposes, should be strictly banned and curbed by the authorities.

Monetary incentives such as grants from the government should be increased from time to time as it will give a much-needed boost to scientific research on wildlife preservation. Widespread coverage of wildlife issues should be increased for causes such as pollution, climate change, and unreasonable laws. Wildlife is valuable and their lives are precious and priceless. We must protect it to ensure a better future for future generations. As global citizens, it is preservation of wildlife essay responsibility to save the rapidly dwindling greenery, wildlife, preservation of wildlife essay, and environment, and thus to save Mother Earth from her current crisis.

If we fail to do so, betrayed Nature will seek her vengeance, preservation of wildlife essay, and we will face our doom in the not-too-distant future. As a result, it is incumbent on us to save our planet. That was all about the preservation of wildlife speech. Hope all the students found the blog useful in preparing for their ASL evaluation. For more insightful and educational blogs like these, stay tuned to Leverage Edu! Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One app for all your study abroad needs Download x. One app for all your study abroad needs Know More x. One app for all your study abroad preservation of wildlife essay. Start your journey, track your progress, grow with the community and so much more.

Scan QR Code to Download Leverage Edu App. E Essay. Table of contents Sample 1: Preservation of Wildlife Speech words Sample 2: Preservation of Wildlife Speech words Best Speech for ASL in English. I am grateful to all of you for being patient listeners. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Take the first step today. Talk to an expert. You May Also Like. Read More 10 minute read. Being able to write an essay is an integral part of mastering any language. Essays form an integral…. Read More 8 minute read. Writing an essay is like searching for your inner self.

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As far as possible conditions most conducive to their growth are created and there is an attempt to cater to the varying individual needs of the animals. And this is as it should be. Animals need their natural habitat in order to flourish. Wide spaces, ponds and pools provide them this. More and more specialized zoos are coming into being. Those animals which cannot procreate in captivity are being gradually allowed to return to wild life. In Sabah in Malaysia, orangutans are being weaned away from captivity back to a natural existence where they can procreate. The worst enemy of animals is man with his superior intelligence and ability to use machines and medicines to help him.

Many countries have attempted to curb this by proclaiming various birds and animals either as national animals or as protected animals and by imposing a ban on the shooting of these animals. All these measures are not enough to help preserve wild life. Man thinks of them as raw material for consumption and not as fellow beings. What had helped preserve nature in the past was the attitude of divinity towards them. Today if we cannot have a divine feeling, we can at least cultivate an anthropomorphic attitude. Like forests, wildlife is also a national resource, which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial from economic, recreational and aesthetic points of view. There was a time when human interference was minimum the number of wild animals was quite high and there was no problem of their protection or conservation.

But, with the expansion of agriculture, settlement, industrial and other developmental activities and mainly due to greed of man, the number of wild animals gradually became lesser and lesser. With the result that several species of animals have become extinct and several, others are on the verge of being so. Deforestation is also one of the main reasons for the loss of wildlife. Mass killings of wild animals for their meat, bones, fur, teeth, hair, skin, etc. Therefore, the need for wildlife conservation has now become a necessity.

Population growth, expansion of agriculture and livestock raising building of cities and roads, and pollution are among the many pressures on the natural habitat of wildlife. Along with illegal hunting, habitat reduction and its degradation has threatened the bio-diversity of the regions where these are rampant. Preservation of wildlife does not mean a blanket protection to all faunal and floral species; rather, it implies a proper, judicious control over the multiplication of plants and animals, which interact together to provide a proper environment to man whose very existence is in peril today. Due to the irrational use of natural and biotic resources of the earth in the past, most of the wildlife has been destroyed beyond retrieval.

It is our urgent duty to protect the natural splendor of ecosystems and to evolve a system of co-existence with every living creature upon the earth. Although must countries of the world are very particular regarding conservation of wildlife, the number of wild animals is reducing day by day. World Wild Life Fund is the international agency, which is doing commendable work in promoting the protection of wildlife. There are national agencies also engaged in the conservation of wildlife. i To survey and collect all the information about wildlife, especially, their number and growth. vi To impose restrictions on export and import of wildlife products and severe punishment to be given to those who indulge in this activity.

ix To develop general awareness at national and international level regarding protection of wildlife. India is a good example where several steps have been taken for wildlife conservation. It is a country of varied wildlife, where more than types of wild animals, 2, types of birds and about 20, types of reptiles and fishes have been found. According to an estimate, in India, about species of wild animals and birds have already become extinct and another 2, are on the verge of extinction. Some of them are black buck, chinkara, wolf, swamp deer, nilgai, Indian gazelle, antelope, tiger, rhinoceros, gir lion, crocodile, flamingo, pelican, bustard, white crane, grey heron, mountain quail, etc.

In India, the government and NGOs are taking keen interest in the protection of wildlife. The Wild Life Protection Act, has several provisions for the conservation of wildlife. In this blog, few samples of preservation of wildlife speech have been given below. Good morning everyone! I am ABC and I stand before all of you to deliver an insightful and transformative Preservation of Wildlife Speech. The modern era has indeed provided a boost to the global economy but it is a misbalanced growth as it has had negative repercussions for the wildlife. Animals are to be treated with integrity and respect rather than just being used as a raw material for the production of profitable goods.

The price of human greed is paid by the voiceless and innocent animals who are put in jeopardy by them. Animals are a significant part of the ecological system. Hence, we have no right to risk their lives. One must remember that when love for power, is substituted with the power of love, the world would be a peaceful place. Thank you so much, everyone, for being patient listeners. Also Read: Environmental Studies. Extinction means forever. Every day, countless rare plant and animal species become extinct. This includes the extinction of rare medicinal plants, which reduces the likelihood of discovering new treatments or drugs for human-caused diseases.

Wildlife preservation helps humankind in leading a better life whereas lack of wildlife preservation leads to an increase in suffering for humanity. Destruction of forests and a lack of wildlife conservation measures lead to atmospheric changes, increasing the likelihood of natural disasters, global warming, and a decrease in food grain production. The lack of wildlife conservation also endangers the lives of coastal residents, particularly when the sea levels rise. It is imperative to take substantial measures for wildlife conservation for restoring ecological balance and protection of other creatures on the planet. Awareness must be instilled at the grassroots level.

Nature clubs should be encouraged in all schools and colleges. Various initiatives should be taken to save rare birds and animals should be promoted.

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