pdf PBS. The war operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries to struggle against al Qaeda are the operations which are provided with the aim to protect the people of the whole just war essay from the terrorism. The FBI has the same definition, albeit worded differently and includes not only people, but also property as an object of violence. oth sides of any conflict must justify their actions as "last resort" even if other opportunities were open for negotiation. Recent work in political philosophy and ethics has attempted to place international…, just war essay.
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Human history is full of different processes and events which occurred in different times. There were the cases of war and the peace times, sometimes people were right and sometimes wrong. Even war has its own philosophy. The Theory of Just War appeared in the ancient times and may be referenced to some wars which were held during different periods of modern history. The Theory of Just War has the close interconnection with military ethics of Roman philosophy and direct influence of the Christianity. The main idea of the Theory of Just War conception is that the war is held to protect people or when the power forces are used with the aim of justice, not to capture or occupy the lands of other countries.
War in Kosovo had international value as the interests of a lot of countries came into conflict with the Kosovo War. The Kosovo war has another name, operation Allied Forces, and has two stages, —just war essay, when the war was actually between Yugoslavia and Kosovo, and when NATO interfered and the American forces entered the country. The reasons for the war are different, but the push for NATO to start was the incident in Racak, where Yugoslavian forces attacked the peaceful citizens. This was the main reason for NATO to start the war against Yugoslavia in order to maintain order on the territories. NATO tired to decide the conflict diplomatically with the demand to take out Serbian forces from Kosovo and to locate there NATO forces with peacemaking aims.
This demand was ignored and the result was obvious Buckley and Cummings. Considering the just war essay of the war, it is possible to say that the Kosovo status remained unresolved and the territory is ruled by the United States, just war essay. A lot of interests were involved in the war and this war did not solve all of them, just war essay. Vietnam War is a war that took place in —where North Vietnam and South Vietnam were in conflict and the American forces supported the ideas of the South part of the country. Considering the relations between Vietnam and the United States, it seems ironic to imagine that the war took place as America helped and supported Vietnam politics and provided material aid.
The reason for the war was the rise of nationalism in the country and its supportive communist ideas. The Vietnam conflict involved a lot of other countries as the war had not the regional character and the aim was the struggle against Communist system in general, not just in North Vietnam. The modern War against terrorism is one of the main wars of the whole mankind which is mainly concentrated and guided in the United Just war essay. The problem of terrorism existed for a long time and the antiterrorism operations were provided many times in different times, but the main antiterrorism action was organized after a great American disaster, September 11, The war against terror continues till now and America provides more and more programs to provide the security of the country and its citizens.
The war operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries to struggle against al Qaeda just war essay the operations which are provided with the aim to protect the people of the whole world from the terrorism. The reasons and causes of the war are always the same, to just war essay people live peaceful lives and not to afraid to visit different public places, as public place is one of the main targets of the terrorists. The American intentions were to meet the justice and to free people from oppression and release them from sufferings.
It is obvious that different situations may be valued differently and there is always one side which is against this just and consider situation from their point of view as injustice. The international intervention in the other country is usually considered as justice as the population is released from the oppression which is maintained on them. The Kosovo War is the most difficult to consider from the point of view of its justice. The American intervention aimed to protect basic human rights. In general, considering the American intentions and the actions it had provided there, the war was just, but the situation was not solved till the end.
Buckley and Cummings consider this war not so just as it may seem from the very beginning. Vietnam War may also be considered as the just was according to the theory principles as the main aim of the war was the rejection of the oppression of communist regime in the Vietnam society. There are always people who are ready to argue this or that aspect and Stephen Spiro was one of them, just war essay. He is the main opposes to Vietnam War who argues that this was just war Cornell, In this case war is the just war essay instrument which may maintain justice in the world. Terrorists are people who put their aims on the highest level and it is impossible to construct any other ideas to convince them but to use just war essay ideas.
The Theory of Justice war claims that war can be used only to release the nation from the oppression and the war against terrorism is the release of the whole world from constant fear and depression. War is always war, even if it has the just intentions. Innocent people die in wars, children and women, old people, just war essay, and it is in no way justice. The conflicts should be decided diplomatically without military power involvement. If the war is inevitable, so it must be just, without any desire to capture or occupy the country, to robber it and destroy. The global experience in wars World War I and World War IIthe disaster and the privation which follows it had to form the negative attitude to wars in general.
The just intentions for the war appearance should be only after long and influential negotiations, as one of the countries is just war essay dominant and it is its obligation to provide the case in such a way that to exclude the war by all means. The Theory of Just War: Meaning and Examples. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies, just war essay. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly.
If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. Introduction Human history is full of different processes and events which occurred in different times. Learn More. Buckley, Mary E. and Sally N. Kosovo: perceptions of war and its aftermath. Continuum International Publishing Group, Cornell, Tom Catholic Worker LXXV: 6. Evans, Mark, just war essay. Just war theory: a reappraisal. Edinburgh University Press, Mattox, Just war essay Mark. Saint Augustine and the theory of just war. Moyar, Mark. Triumph forsaken: the Vietnam war, Cambridge University Press, Luban, David. Intervention and Civilization: Some Unhappy Lessons of the Kosovo War.
In Global justice and transnational politics: essays on the moral and political challenges of globalization eds. Greiff, just war essay, Pablo and Ciaran Cronin. MIT Press, just war essay Non-Conventional Terrorism and Protection. Cite this paper Select just war essay. Select citation styles APA-6 APA-7 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard, just war essay. Reference StudyCorgi, just war essay. Work Cited "The Theory of Just War: Meaning and Examples. Bibliography StudyCorgi. Just war essay StudyCorgi. Powered by CiteChimp - the best easy citation creator. Copy to clipboard.
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Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost accessed May 5, Case Briefs. State Of Israel Case Briefs. US Department Of Defense. Eberle, Christopher J. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost accessed May 5, strategy executed by the United States U. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO met the criterions for a just war as defined below. Both the U. And NATO did not fight this war in order to overthrow the Yugoslavian government nor to give the Kosovo Albanians a country of their own. ather, the war was fought to stop the needless ethnic violence against the Albanians living in Kosovo and allow the return of all refugees, and that is just what both the U.
And NATO did during this military operation. And NATO had no intention of any major military operation, they only wished to use the minium force required in order to achieve their stated goals. This paper examines the strategy formulation, coordination, and execution, that lead to NATO's war to save Kosovo. How the U. And NATO reached their goal could not be described as perfectly…. References Yugoslavia: Travel Guide, n. html Elshtain J. Fallout A section of commentators have taken issue with the manner in which the federal government denied suspected terrorist the due process of law as stipulated under the constitution. The government even commissioned the establishment of a torture chamber in Guantanamo Bay. This amounts to gross violation of human rights and civil liberties.
There is another clause in the patriot act dubbed "enhanced surveillance procedures," which allows federal authorities to gather foreign intelligence by breaching firewalls of 'terrorist nations. A section of scholars argues that key players in the oil industry manipulated the United States to wage war against Afghanistan. According to an article published on the BBC World Service in December , the execution of Saddam Hussein was unwarranted. Political scientists reckon that a cartel of multinational oil companies wanted to control the oil in…. Van Bergen, J. Luca, B American foreign policy and global governance, in A.
Gobbicchi ed. Oxford University Press. forces were made to operate on ground and targeted operations were planned against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. There were significant individually planned battles and skirmishes between the U. army and Taliban often resulting in heavy losses to both sides. A tactic that Taliban often used in such conditions was the suicide attacks and planting improvised explosive devices IEDs that left the soldier carrying vehicles destroyed. utilized an Iraqi style counter insurgency operations in the Afghan region that resulted in some strengthening of the conditions. presence in Afghanistan the U. forged agreements with many warring tribes and factions of the Northern Alliance to enhance the unity of these groups that were to be pitched against the Taliban.
These agreements were aimed at removing the support base of Taliban and Al-Qaeda from the Afghan society…. References Coll, S. Ghost wars: The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, Dreyfuss, R. Devil's game: how the United States helped unleash fundamentalist Islam. Metropolitan Books. Giustozzi, a. Koran, Kalashnikov, and laptop: the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. Columbia University Press. Jones, a. Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse: Counting down to ar in Iraq: An Application of Conflict Theory The recent war with Iraq has been on the minds of people all across the world since well before it started. Many are worried that the United States will be seen as being too controlling, and that it should let the Iraqi people work out their own problems.
Others, who are concerned about the threat of terrorist activity in this country and others, stick with the belief that the United States was right in their attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Regardless of which opinion one holds, there are theorists, both classical and modern, who have strong views on war. This is largely due to conflict theory, which is that life is largely characterized more by conflict that it is by consensus. Those who uphold this theory have different ways of looking at it, and the purpose of this paper is…. Works Cited Collins, Randall. Dugger, William M. Introduction to sociological theory. However, in the end, they were unable to stop the war despite their best efforts.
The war happened anyway, in spite of the best intentions and actions to prevent it. T he actions of the various governments were reactions to events that they had tried their best to prevent. They did not make a full-blown effort to convince their people of the need for war, until the war had already begun. Had the war been intentional on the part of Germany or any other entity, there would have been plans in place to gain the support of the people long before August 1, Only Germany had such a plan in place. However, this does not mean that they started the war intentionally. It might mean that they saw it coming and wanted to be prepared. In the end, only the players know what their motives were on any particular….
Works Cited Primary Sources The Treaty of Versailles , esp. html Memorandum of Prince Karl Max Lichnowsky Secondary Sources. The intent of most colonists, was to create change through the proper channels, as has been described by the Philadelphia congress, as having occurred over the ten years bridging the two previous declarations. A consummate expert on the War of Independence, writing in the early twentieth century, Van Tyne, stresses that the development of the ideal of democratic representation, was seeded in the ideals of Puritan politics which were spurned by the exposure of ministers to the ideas of John Locke and John Milton, who demonstratively effected the ideas of the American colonists as well as many others all over the colonial world.
The idea of a fierce fight against tyranny and unchecked despotism was an essential standard of the day and at some…. Bibliography Bancroft, Hubert H.. American war for Independence: Early Causes. Leach, Douglas Edward. Roots of Conflict: British Armed Forces and Colonial Americans, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, Miller, John C. Origins of the American Revolution. Boston: Little, Brown, Morison, S. Sources and Documents Illustrating the American Revolution, , and the Formation of the Federal Constitution. Oxford: Clarendon Press, So, even in such situations as when the countryside has also been hit by war, the local administrators are much more likely to be able to function productively as they are fundamentally closer to the need and have strong community ties and possible a strong desire for social order but more importantly for the meeting of the local publics' needs.
The importance of establishing a public administration theoretical framework that prioritizes citizenship over consumerism, in a society where so much of the citizenry relies on public services is foundational to social order and to mitigating the change that has occurred as a result of war. There is no one right answer to all the functional changes to public administration, with regard to war as the many facets of war also create many facets of change in public administration. The level of degradation to physical and psychological networks must be analyzed….
References Boleman, L. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. Third Ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Bruck, T. Macroeconomic Effects of the War in Mozambique. QEH Working Paper Series QEHWPS11, Chopra, J. Participatory Intervention. Global Governance, Denhart, J. The New Public Service. Revised Edition. Armonk, NY:: M. English for academic purposes approach focuses on the reader, too, not as a specific individual but as the representative of a discourse community, for example, a specific discipline or academia in general. The reader is an initiated expert who represents a faculty audience. This reader, particularly omniscient and all-powerful, is likely to be an abstract representation, a generalized construct, one reified from an examination of academic assignments and texts aimes, Partnership Teaching is not just an extension of co-operative teaching.
Co-operative teaching consists of a language support teacher and class teacher jointly planning a curriculum and teaching strategies which will take into account the learning needs of all pupils. The point is to adjust the learning situation in order to fit the pupils. Partnership Teaching is more than that. It builds on the notion of co-operative teaching by linking the work of two teachers with plans for curriculum improvement…. References Davison, Chris. Collaboration Between ESL and Content Teachers: How Do We Know When We Are Doing It Right?
Grover, Sam. Methods for Teaching TESOL. Private armies and warlords support themselves with these crops -- an instance of exploiting in fact, abusing the environment to pay for war Global esources, Use of esources to Finance Conflict Forest products are also often used to pay for conflicts. Timber requires little investment and can be converted to cash more cheaply than oil, which requires technology. Control over timber resources can shift the balance of power during a conflict and affect how long the conflict lasts. Underfunded armies, military, police, and rebel forces often finance themselves by cutting trees. Conflicts in Cambodia, Burma and Liberia have been funded with timber, and in each of those countries the wood produced more than million dollars per year Global esources, Incompatible Uses Leading to Conflict Use or misuse of resources can be very profitable on one hand but ruinous to another.
For example, jurisdictional conflicts have heated up…. References Breaking the habit The Nation Feb 9 , 5 , Brown, V. Battle scars: Global conflicts and environmental health. Environmental Health Perspectives, 17 , Coles, C. Resources for peace. Conserving the Peace: Resources, Livelihoods, and Security Johannesburg: World Summit on Sustainable Development. trategy -- Rulers, tates and War It is very difficult to look at the history of humanity and define a number of common, yet intangible philosophies of action that seem to be part of the overall human condition. One of these intangibles is the human capacity to produce both incredible beauty and horrific evil -- both of which occur during war. In fact, we may ask -- what is war?
Every historical period from Ancient Mesopotamia to the present has added a new meaning to the word, but the very essence remains the same. War is a conflict between groups, a way to solve a political or social disagreement through force. Because war has been part of the human condition for millennia, however, we can look at it from both a theoretical and practical aspect of a way to use violence as a solution to problems. One of the most…. Sources: Clausewitz, C. On War. Edited by M. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, Keegan, J. A History of Warfare. New York: Vintage, Murray, W. The Making of Strategy: Rulers, States and War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Augustine, "Even those with a just grievance cannot go to war out of hatred or thirst for vengeance.
The events of September 11 preceded the war by no coincidence: vengeance was therefore a major cause for the attack on Iraq, even though no plausible connection was made. Moreover, the spurious search for weapons of mass destruction clarifies primary reasons for waging war. Underlying the rhetoric about weapons of mass destruction rests an obvious desire for power and domination. President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and those who support them, hearken to the theories…. Works Cited Carver, Tom. stm Quotes from reader: Karl von Clauswitz, Count von Moltke, Sir Francis Bacon, St. War in Afghanistan from a Liberal Pluralist Perspective The term "liberal" has taken on a specific meaning in Western politics that is somewhat different than the actual stated definition of the word.
The word truly means "favorable to progress or reform" Liberal, and is seen as the opposite of conservative which is being "disposed to preserve existing conditions" Conservative, These terms have become politicized and the groups which carry the two labels may be better described by the opposite literal use of the word at any given time. However, another term, liberal pluralist, is something else again. The book "The Practice of Liberal Pluralism" discusses introduces the topic of how liberal democracy has changed from it original meaning into something that is wholly different, at times, from the origins of the term Galston, ,1. Democracy is a government which is focused on the people being served rather than…. References Bajoria, J. The Taliban in Afghanistan.
Council on Foreign Relations. In Dictionary. The practice of liberal pluralism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. overriding aim of globalization is to eliminate physical boundaries, uniting all the countries of the world into one massive village. So far, globalization has had both positive and negative influences, and has literally split the world into three -- the portion that is already reaping the benefits of globalization and is characterized by high standards of living and stable governments the Core ; that which is yet to reap any benefits and is still grappling with political repression and widespread disease the Gap ; and that which exhibits features of both the Core and the Gap the Seam [footnoteRef:1].
Most Americans tend to think that the problems the Core faces are a result of its association with the Gap; and hence, believe that cutting links would be the solution to the issues of drugs and terrorism. This, however, is not a valid argument because as long as the Gap is not enjoying the…. pdf accessed 23 July Accessed 23 July, pdf accessed 23 July , Prados, John and Ames, Christopher Eds. Force that Gives Meaning Today I received an e-mail message about a funeral for a soldier in Texas. The sender who forwarded it wrote that his "faith in America had been restored" when he read this account by the deceased's wife: When we turned off the highway, suddenly there were teenage boys along both sides of the street about every 20 feet or so, all holding large American flags on long flag poles, and again with their hands on their hearts Hundreds of young people, standing silently on the side of the road with flags.
At one point we passed an elementary school, and all the children were outside, shoulder to shoulder holding flags kindergartners, handicapped, teachers, staff, everyone. Some held signs of love and support. Then came teenage girls and younger boys, all holding flags. Then Adults. Then families. All standing silently on the side of the…. References Cooper, Gloria. The censors: New patterns in opinion control. Hedges, C. War is a force that gives us meaning. New York: Public Affairs. Louis, W. Taylor Understanding the September 11 terrorist attack on America: The role of intergroup theories of normative influence.
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Victoroff, J. The mind of the terrorist: A review and critique of psychological approaches. Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. Nicaragua The Civil War in Nicaragua was one of the defining events from the s, and it also happened to be a defining event in my personal life and that of my family. The argument in question was over the nature of the revolution in Nicaragua, and the political motivations of the Sandinistas. My assertion is that the situation in my home country is not as black-and-white as it has been presented in the American media, and to a lesser degree, the Canadian media. I believe that the situation that gave rise to this argument is rooted in a lack of accurate media coverage. Because I am from a Nicaraguan background, but also have one American parent, I can present a unique perspective that illuminates both sides of the argument to show that neither the Sandinistas nor the Americans had the best interests of Nicaragua at heart.
During this argument,…. References Chomsky, Noam. htm Smith, John. Theoretical Evaluation Theory Evaluation The initial modern clarification of crime is known as "classical hypothesis" Cullen and Agnew This hypothesis was produced in response to the malefic, irrational, and barbaric frameworks of criminal equity that existed in Europe in the s. The laws were frequently arbitrary; judges were corrupt; penal awards for the same wrongdoing varied broadly; and disciplines were at times very cruel, causative of extreme physical abuse and often resulting in death. Classical Theorists needed to supplant the framework with one that was more viable and just.
They contended that individuals are balanced creatures who seek after their own particular pursuits, endeavoring to amplify their pleasure and minimize their unhappiness. Individuals decide to indulge in wrongdoing when they accept that it will bring more joy than agony, As such, the most ideal approach to control wrongdoing is to guarantee that the torment of penal awards exceeds the…. References Cullen, F. Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Los Angeles: Roxbury. ithin the realm of social contract theory, citizens within a given state consent, either tacitly or explicitly, to surrender various rights and freedoms to the authority of the state. In return, the state guarantees protection of citizen's rights and freedoms.
The state also guarantees citizen's protection from external aggression and preservation of national security in return for citizens' sacrifice of certain rights. hile the claim that waging retaliatory war deterred recurrence is a reasonable one, the manner in which the U. went about it defied the Jus in bello principle of just war. The inhumane treatment of suspected terrorist in the Guantanamo Bay and the…. Works Cited Benson, Richard. The Just War Theory: A Traditional Catholic Moral View, New York: The Tidings Butler, Paul. By Any Means Necessary: Using Violence and Subversion to Change Unjust Law UCLA L. Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Elshtain, Jean Bethke Just War against Terror: The Burden of American Power in a Violent World New York: Basic Books, Pacifism -- a Doctrine of Non-Violence Pacifism is a theory which provides the basis of anti-violence behavior.
It is an ideology which defines the permissibility of violence on the basis of morality and ethics. Where pacifism is appreciated and consider as a necessary behavior required for having stability in a society as it promotes tolerance; a lot of criticism has also been made on this particular theory. It is said that Pacifists are inconsistent. For they consider violence or war an absolute evil; but an absolute evil must be resisted by all necessary means, and pacifists reject using violence or war even when it is such a necessary means. The strict nature of this theory gives rise to a confused situation where decision regarding justification of war and violence, is difficult to ascertain. Pacifism is the fundamental ideology of all those who are against initiating and contributing in a war.
References Buckham, J. A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues. New York: Henry Holt andCompany. Ihara, C. In Defense of a Version of Pacifism. Ethics, 88 4 , Toward a Reformulation of the Doctrine of Pacifism. Lenzi Eds. New York: Rodopi. Fundamentally, the insurgents are fighting an enemy with superior weaponry, technology, and resources, so therefore, must seek avenues to mitigate these disadvantages. In other words, insurgent forces out vastly outdone in the traditional aspects of warfare, so they are forced to resort to unconventional modes of attack. Early in his book, the Army and Vietnam, Krepinevich provides the broad game plan an insurgent force must follow to achieve final victory: As developed by Mao in China and adapted by Giap in Vietnam, contemporary insurgency is a third world phenomenon comprising three phases: first, insurgent agitation and proselytization among the masses -- the phase of contention; second, overt violence, guerrilla operations, and the establishment of bases -- the equilibrium phase; and third, open warfare between insurgent and government forces designed to topple the existing regime -- the counteroffensive phase.
Works Cited Anonymous. Imperial Hubris. Washington, D. Page, xxi. Barringer, Mark. New York: Oxford University Press Available: www. Bush, George W. Butler, Smedley D. War is a Racket. New York: Feral House, War Without Victory Nominally, the United States achieved victory in the first Gulf War. However, the decades of fighting in the Middle East, punctuated by the second Gulf War demonstrate that the United States was not victorious in that war. However, equally clear is the fact that Iraq was not victorious. This paper examines the politics behind the Gulf War including deterrence, diplomacy, power struggles, and military and political implications to come to the conclusion that there was no victor in the Gulf War.
This action alarmed other countries in the area, and these countries asked for intervention from other countries and from the United Nations. The United Nations Security Council responded by ordering Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. The United States, working with and through the United Nations, attempted to use deterrence…. Persian Gulf War. Retrieved May 5, from History. The state of deterrence in international politics today. pdf PBS. The Persian Gulf War. Retrieved May 5, from American Experience. Weapons of Mass Destruction Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century Security Environment The apparent anti-proliferation approach of the George W.
ush Administration to nuclear and other Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD seems to coincide with the perspective of Scott Sagan in The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate, as opposed to the deterrence perspective of his co-author, Kenneth Waltz. Security for major nations is currently under greater threat by the destabilizing effects of terrorism than it is by annihilation through conventional warfare. The Cold-War approach of deterrence is not adequate against enemies who are more concerned with their philosophical endurance than their physical survival. The modern landscape of nuclear arms reduction by major world powers, while many quasi-minor countries scramble to attain nuclear status explicitly underscores the delicate problem of securing safety while upholding widely accepted tenets of Just War Theory.
The Spread of Nuclear Weapons is the work of…. Bibliography 1. Alex Moseley, Ph. Review of: The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate. Helen E. United States Naval Academy. Sagan, Scott D. The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate. New York: W. Norton, In general, both sides fought using impromptu raids and very vicious and undercutting tactics. However, this was the traditional fighting method used by Native Americans during this particular era and could be understood in terms of their cultural perspective. The fifth criteria of just warfare is that "war must be the only possible means of righting the wrong done.
oth sides of any conflict must justify their actions as "last resort" even if other opportunities were open for negotiation. However, in this historical context it could be argued that war was inevitable. This is because population tension within the eastern border mandated that a push by the colonials west of the Ohio River was inevitable. As a result, land that was traditionally Native American would ultimately get taken away from their ownership by the colonists. This it is an unavoidable…. Bibliography A. Britt, Great Indian Chiefs , repr. Schmitt and D. Brown, Fighting Indians of the West , repr. Lowie, Indians of the Plains , repr. Josephy, the Patriot Chiefs Even if the torture of these people would save lives it is a slippery slope that we do not want to begin.
Once we allow the torture of suspects or terrorists it could begin a landslide witch-hunt in which people who are not terrorists and have not committed any crimes could be tortured based on suspect or circumstantial evidence. While there is justified outrage at what happened in this country we, as Americans, must maintain our ethical standards at all times. It is only by maintaining these standards that we can hope to set and example worldwide about the strength and dignity of our nation and all that it stands for. The history of "just war" philosophy stems from religious and secular issues. One of the longest standing Just War traditions centers on religious differences including the differences between Muslim and Christian faiths.
In addition the "Just War" theories support…. Talk briefly about the nature of the war, types of weapons used, and is terrorism a weapon in this conflict? Terrorism is a weapon in this conflict, as is guerrilla warfare; the U. has attempted to train the Afghani forces to take over the nation's defense but has had difficulty training the native population in the strategies of modern warfare. How many people have been injured or killed? fatalities and wounded iCasualties, , OEF Q Should the U. play a role with respect to global peacekeeping and has the U. had a negative or positive effect? In the world as a whole, there is little question that the U. had a positive effect, particularly when acting as a part of joint coalitions, such as with the UN and NATO.
In the past, there was strident criticism that the U. did not intervene soon enough in…. References Afghanistan-profile. Geneva Academy of International Law and Human Rights. Retrieved May 4, at Mulrine, Anna. Pentagon's rosy report of Afghanistan war raises questions. CS Monitor. Retrieved May 4, at. Coker's article published in a very conservative magazine in England "reflected unease among some of his colleagues" about that new course at LSEP. Moreover, Coker disputes that fact that there is a female alternative to male behavior and Coker insists that "Whether they love or hate humanity, feminists seem unable to look it in the face" Smith quoting Coker, p.
If feminists are right about the female nature being more peaceful and "less aggressive" than men, then women pose a "far greater danger than men…" to the world and to international relations Coker continued. It was a less aggressive attitude toward international relations that "prevented us from deterring Hitler," Coker went on, referencing without naming Neville Chamberlain, England's Prime Minister who reportedly appeased Hitler rather than take a strong stand against the Third Reich. On page 58 Steve Smith explains that in cases where feminine concerns are being…. Bibliography Carpenter, R. Charli, , 'Women, Children, and Other Vulnerable Groups: Gender, Strategic Frames and the Protection of Civilians as a Transnational Issue', International Studies Quarterly, vol. Elshtain, Jean Bethke, , Women and War, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Goldstein, Joshua S. New York: Cambridge University Press. Hooper, Charlotte, , Manly States: Masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics. New York: Columbia University Press. Terrorism Definitions of terrorism Under the U. Government, terrorism has different definitions, not accounting also scholars' own definitions of this concept. In a study by Mark Burgess for the U. Center for Defense Information, he identified five 5 definitions of terrorism, three from the U. Government and two from academic scholars. The common factors in each definition, according to Burgess, are the terrorists' motives, identity, and methods.
The Department of Defense defines terrorism as "[t]he calculated use of unlawful violence to inculcate fear… to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious or ideological" para. The FBI has the same definition, albeit worded differently and includes not only people, but also property as an object of violence. The State Department, meanwhile, has a more specific definition, identifying terrorism as "premeditated" and primarily "politically motivated," and identified terrorists as "subnational groups or clandestine…. References Burgess, M. Accessed 23 April US Army Training and Doctrine Command. Available at: www.
In addition, I've heard a great deal of expressed frustration by the citizens of this country in regards to their rights, and the impact on their rights by the Patriot Act and regulations put in place by the Department of Homeland Security. Do these people not understand that their rights are nonexistent because of the authority of the state? Like a child and her parents, the state will do what it thinks is necessary for its people, and the people must obey. Do you agree that the decision to go to war was moral? Obviously, none is in favor of the death…. This demands that states treat terrorists just as they would any heinous criminal, whether an ordinary lawbreaker or war criminal.
Law enforcement entails arrest, trial and sentencing, and only permits law enforcement officers to use lethal force when either their lives or the lives of bystanders are in immediate danger" Gross, , p Michael Gross points out that in time of state declared war, it is difficult to actually pinpoint the elements of war and therefore the state of war is debatable and can often result in arguments rather that a clear cut situation that could eventually justify a preemptive action taken against rebel activists. The state of war justifies against international law different types of activities state driven. However, in time of peace, such actions are not only illegal from the point-of-view of international law but are also considered immoral and non-ethical in relation to the public opinion,….
Bibliography Buzan, Barry. People, States, and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, Colonomos, Ariel. Precision in Uncertain times: targeting as a mode of justification of the use of force. David Chandler and Volker Heins eds Ethical Foreign Policy. Routledge, Gross, Michael. Cambridge University Press, NY. Lucas Mangope was a Bantustan Lentz, The violence quickly escalated into mutiny from local based armed forces and striking of civil servants. William of Occam formulated the principle of Occam's Razor, which held that the simplest theory that matched all the known facts was the correct one.
At the University of Paris, Jean Buridan questioned the physics of Aristotle and presaged the modern scientific ideas of Isaac Newton and Galileo concerning gravity, inertia and momentum when he wrote after leaving the arm of the thrower, the projectile would be moved by an impetus given to it by the thrower and would continue to be moved as long as the impetus remained stronger than the resistance, and would be of infinite duration were it not diminished and corrupted by a contrary force resisting it or by something inclining it to a contrary motion Glick, Livesay and Wallis Thomas Bradwardine and his colleagues at Oxford University also anticipated Newton and Galileo when they found that a body moving with constant velocity travels distance….
The United States, though it has been involved in much unconventional fighting over the last 50 years, has positioned itself to fight more or less conventional wars. Al Qaeda represents an adaptable, flexible, and potent enemy that has no headquarters and does not fight on any battlefield so to speak. Each of these entities views and fights war completely differently. The Al Qaeda model is based in the historic warfare model of the crusades, whereby small religious groups brought the battle to each other's doorstep. The United State's relatively inflexible, unadaptive forces are having a hard time fighting successfully against such a small, moving target. The battle lines and compartments of this war between these two entities are ever shifting and ever-increasing in complexity.
As war becomes more compartmentalized, that is to say as low-intensity conflict spreads, the face of warfare will shift forever as a result. Author van Creveld…. References Keohane, Robert O. And Nye, Joseph S. Power and Interdependence, 3rd ed. New York: Longman, Van Creveld, Martin. The Transformation of War. New York: The Free Press, He understood exploration and discovery was creating a new world order, and that the old way of doing things would not work in this big new world. He understood the future implications of law and global relations, and helped create the theories that would lead to national law and international understanding. History books and many historians do not always recognize him, but the Catholic Church recognizes him as an influential and vital advocate of theology, education, and global change.
In conclusion, Francisco de Vitoria is legendary for his creation of international law, his development of the University of Salamanca, and his treatment of many other theological issues. In , The Dutch Association of Grotius honored the University of Salamanca with a gold medal to commemorate Francisco de Vitoria as the founder of international law. There is also a Spanish Asociacion Francisco de Vitoria that studies Vitoria and his ideas at…. References Capizzi, Joseph E. html Schroeder, Joseph. htm Scott, James Brown. The Spanish Origin of International Law. Oxford, England: The Clarendon Press, Cicero's Thoughts Augustine'sThoughts Similarities and Contrasts Marcus Tullius Cicero had been born on January 3, B. E; and he demised on December 7, 43 B.
in a murder. His life overlapped with the downfall and eventually decimation of the Roman realm, during which time he has been a significant factor in political affairs, and as such, his writings are a valued source of information and knowledge regarding those events. He was a philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, among other things. To grasp the logic of his work and to appreciate his philosophy necessitates us to have that in mind. Philosophical study was important but it was even more significant as a way to a more effectual action politically, so he put politics higher than philosophical study. During times when he was inhibited to take part in politics against his will, he made his philosophical writings. Augustine's submission that Hortensius an…. Works Cited Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Peabody, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, Clayton, Edward. Accessed 4 December Dyson, R. Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Griffin, M. As part of my studies in terrorism and homeland security which were a requirement of my military service, I have come to understand the need for strong intelligence, culturally-astute law enforcement, and effective security protocols when dealing with threats from within as well as from without. Homeland security remains one of the most vitally necessary components of law enforcement, as seen by the recent alerts raised regarding potential terrorist attacks threatening our nation's major cities. The exciting aspect of this field is that it is constantly changing -- just as America's enemies are always looking for new ways to attack the U.
I would like to have a substitutive impact in terms of my future career, and I believe that I have the potential to…. popular religions in the world, Christianity and Islam, both developed from the same area -- the deserts of the Middle East -- but one existed for several centuries prior the beginning of the other. Christianity, the older of the two religions, was started by the followers of Jesus Christ, himself a Jew who lived and died in present day Israel Latourette, Most of the early growth of Christianity was among the Jews but as the Jewish leaders began to persecute the early Christians the Christians began to scatter throughout the oman Empire in order to avoid these persecutions.
For the next several hundred years Christianity enjoyed steady growth until Emperor Constantine legally approved the right to practice the religion. Following such recognition, Christianity grew geometrically and, eventually, it became to dominate both the secular and religious affairs on the continent of Europe. When the European powers began to expand…. References Cesari, J. European Muslims and the Secular State. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Company. Latourette, K. A History of Christianity, Volume 1: Beginnings to New York: HarperOne. Liu, X. A Silk Road Legacy: The Spread of Buddhism and Islam. Journal of World History, Mayr-Harting, H. Charlemagne, the Saxons, and the Imperial Coronation of The English Historical Review, International elations Theory and United Nations Peace: International elations I field normally focuses on the study of how various state systems can be made to work more efficiently to improve the power of law, maintain order, manage interstate affairs peacefully, and lessen prospects of war.
The word relation in this field is used to denote the inclusion of more than political affairs to aspects like conflict and peace. On the one hand, the war implies injustice, because parties involved in the war use extreme violence and often military actions result in casualties among civilians. On the other hand, the concept of just war implies that the war may start for a good reason, which is morally justifiable, that makes the war just. For instance, the prevention of genocide is a morally reasonable cause to launch the war and such war may be viewed as just. Hence, the war can be justified if the war has good intentions or matches existing moral or ethical rules McMahan, However, such a view on the concept of just war stands on the deontological ground because it pursues the idea that the war may be just if it adheres to existing moral norms and rules, including the possible protection of human rights, response to aggression and other issues.
Alternatively there are other views on the concept of just war which have a different theoretical background. For instance, the utilitarian theory views the just war as the war that pursues the common good, while the egoist theory implies that the just war pursues individual needs of certain countries. Therefore, the concept of just war may be viewed from different perspective but the problem is that there is no universal explanation of this concept that could offer a plausible explanation of the concept of the just war without the risk of confronting severe and just criticism. Many proponents of the concept of just war McMahan, , including those, who stand on the deontological ground, insist that the war is just, when it is conducted in accordance to moral norms and standards that imply the protection of human rights as one of major duties of the civil society.
For instance, the war may be just when it protects the population of a country from the violation of their basic human rights by an authoritarian government or when the army of one country is used to conduct the genocide of an ethnic group. However, the borderline between the just war and unjust war is very fragile, because the use of military forces leads to casualties, destructions, or even crimes against humanity. In such a situation, the question concerning the boundary of the just war rises. In case of the just war from the deonotological perspective the major question that arises is how to keep all actions of the military during the war morally correct. For instance, if the military operation conducted to prevent the genocide results in the death of civilians because of the erroneous targeting of an airstrike, then such action is morally wrong that means the this part of the military operation is morally wrong and unjust.
However, if a part of the war is unjust, can the entire war be just then? Such problems may arise among all parties involved in the war. Consequently, the practical application of the concept of just war is very difficult and just war is rather hypothetical or abstract concept that does not exist in the real life. Furthermore, the concept of just war may not always be applicable because totally different cultures have different moral norms and values Mosser, Therefore, one culture may perceive actions of a party in the war as just, whereas another party may perceive those actions as unjust that makes the war unjust.
In such a way, the development of the concept of the just war is possible only on the condition of the elaboration of universal cultural norms and values which allow assessing actions of parties involved in the war to determine whether the war is just or not, but, in the real world, such agreement between representatives of different cultures is virtually impossible. Alternatively, the concept of the just war may be viewed from the utilitarian perspective. In such a context, the war may be viewed as just, if it matches the principle of utility. To put it more precisely, the war may be just, if it pursues interests of the majority and serves to the common good.
For instance, if an ethnic minority rebels and the government uses the army to suppress the rebellion, the government serves to the interests of the majority and the fast suppression of the rebellion is good and justifiable because this will minimize casualties, before the conflict becomes large scale. However, such a view on the just war disregards interests and rights of individuals.
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