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Argumentative essay on drinking age

Argumentative essay on drinking age

Should the Drinking Age be Lowered to a Younger Age. Most youth combine alcohol consumption with the use of other hard drugs especially in parties, argumentative essay on drinking age, and the ingestion of these drugs can influence how they behave around people or at worse, cause diseases such as cancer or kidney failure Kidspot, The Destruction of the Drinking Age Why can an 18 year old die for our country, vote on decisions that affect us all, and go to prison but cannot drink alcohol legally? Use it at checkout. Take away the sin and that results in less sinners.

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Alcohol, it has been a part of human culture for centuries. From religious gatherings to work related get togethers, alcohol has been a main factor in socialization and even some cultural events for years. Even though it seems so important to certain populations, most countries have age regulations on alcohol and one of the most […]. Nowadays, drinking alcohol has become practiced and legal everywhere in the world. Every country and culture has its own way of using this substance. In parties, argumentative essay on drinking age, in everyday routine for some, or just as a casual refresher. But not every place in the world has the same legal drinking age. The minimum drinking age in […]. At some point most people have drank some alcohol before their 21st birthday weather it was with friends, a party, or with family at a family event.

Some people avoid it their whole lives, others argumentative essay on drinking age the days until their 21st birthday. The United States as a whole, besides a few exceptions, has enforced an alcohol consumption law prohibiting anyone younger than 21 from purchasing alcohol. However, illegal drinking and binge […]. Even in the school campus, many of students hold parties every night. Especially not on weekdays, if you walk you besides the houses in the late night, you can see students walk […]. With this, much debate has centered around lowering the drinking age […]. One of those regulations is the drinking age of our country. In the United States, the drinking age has been 21 since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was passed by Congress in When the drinking age […].

One topic that has a lot of notoriety all throughout the United States is the legal drinking age. Some argue that it should remain at twenty-one years old while others push for reducing it to eighteen and this has even caused some controversy. Many countries have the age at eighteen and this is influencing others […]. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress in the year ofenforced a change in the state laws of young drinkers to satisfy the worries of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. The minimum legal drinking age was up for debate, yet the minimum age for more serious decisions stayed in place, […].

On average 29 people a die from alcohol related accidents. Drunk driving takes about 10, people per year. Alcohol has been a controversial issue for many hundreds of years now. Many different countries and states have a different age limit for […]. It has not always been that way and there is a chance it argumentative essay on drinking age not continue to be that way. The main argument for having the drinking age set at twenty-one is that our brains are not fully developed until we reach that age. The problem with this is that, just because we raise the […]. Have you ever wonder why kids tend to drink illegally?.

Now if the drinking age was lowered it would mature kids. Only because they argumentative essay on drinking age get the feeling of drinking responsibly so it might change the way the kids would drink. While if the drinking age argumentative essay on drinking age would be 18 it could get kids out […]. Since the Prohibition many politicians, scholars, argumentative essay on drinking age, and parents have debated the drinking age. Should the drinking age be 21 or should we lower it to 18? Allowing 18 to 20 year olds to drink in regulated environments with supervision would decrease unsafe drinking activity. Prohibiting them this right only leads to them feeling like they […].

How many 18 year olds have died for the sake of our country, but they are still not legally able to consume alcohol. How many 18 year olds are able to serve on juries and send men to execution chairs, but were still not able to walk to the liquor store to purchase an alcoholic […], argumentative essay on drinking age. The drinking age should be lowered to How can the U. S allow 18 year olds to carry rifle or enlist in the military and not allow them to not buy a bottle of beer? Also having the drinking age up at 21 can promote dangerous illegal drinking at high school parties. When you are […]. Each year, approximately 5, teens under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; including 1, deaths from car crashes, 1, from homicides, from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings Underage Drinking.

Alcohol is the leading factor in several deaths by teens per […]. Why can an 18 year old die for our country, vote on decisions that affect us all, and go to prison but cannot drink alcohol legally? After Prohibition, nearly all states adopted a minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one. Then, between andtwenty-nine states lowered the MLDA to eighteen, nineteen, or twenty, argumentative essay on drinking age. Advocacy groups urged states to raise their MLDA to twenty-one. Several did so in the late s and early argumentative essay on drinking age, but others did not. To encourage a […]. In all 50 states, the minimum legal drinking age is 21 years old. However, some exceptions do exist on a state-by-state basis for consumption at home, under adult supervision, for medical necessities, and other reasons, argumentative essay on drinking age.

After all, if 18 years olds can serve our country, buy tobacco products and legally be considered an adult, then […]. This has been an ongoing debate in the US for a couple years now. Some people think it would be better if it was argumentative essay on drinking age, while others do not. There are many sides to this argument but the one that has me most interested […]. So significant is keeping the drinking age of 21, argumentative essay on drinking age, which has been supporting effectively on young people. There is ongoing debate on whether keeping the drinking age of 21 has the positive or negative […].

Imagine being a senior in high school, 18 years old. Should young adults be able to legally buy an alcoholic beverage at this age? This has been an ongoing controversy in the United States as to whether the drinking age should be lowered from years-old to years-old. At years-old argumentative essay on drinking age America, young adults are entrusted […]. Minimum legal drinking age MLDA laws provide an example of how scientific research can support effective public policies. Alcohol use among youth is related to many problems, including traffic crashes, drownings, vandalism, assaults, homicides, suicides, teenage […]. Many people around the world drink alcohol for numerous reasons, argumentative essay on drinking age.

However, some people may not be able to drink alcohol in other countries because of the drinking age law. For example, people are allowed to drink alcohol at age 18 in Korea, but they cannot drink in the United States because the drinking age law […]. Abstract The start occurred when instructed to find a prompt for an argument. The prompt was found on ProCon. This website lists many controversial topics with pros and cons. One stood out and it was the argument if the drinking age should be lowered.

From there sources need to be found to give extra information […]. Thesis: Binge drinking is a major problem in todays society, and some would argue that it is because of the legal drinking age; today, I would like to explore two opinions on lowering the legal drinking age in order to understand this issue more. Introduction: [Attention-Getter] Each year, argumentative essay on drinking age, more than 4, minors die due to […]. The opposing viewpoint is the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or Colleges and Universities argue that having the drinking age 21 is making issues worse. If young adults know that they are legally allowed to drink then there would be a lot less thrill seekers trying to break the law.

Additionally […]. Though there have been several calls for the reduction of the drinking age, it is a bad idea. The drinking age shouldn't be lowered because it will lead to an increase in the rate of drunk driving, binge drinking and alcohol poisoning, argumentative essay on drinking age, alcohol-induced violent behavior, and unwanted pregnancy. Several college students find a way to consume alcohol whether they are of age or not. When they over-consume alcohol, it increases their chances of getting injured, sexually assaulted, or murdered. There will be lesser chances of students consuming alcohol if they know their tolerance level before getting into college. If the legal drinking age is lowered, students will be less likely to use false identifications and commit crimes related to alcohol consumption.

The main argument against a lower drinking age is that it is a risk to public safety. Underage drinkers are not just a huge risk to themselves, but also others and this is particularly true on the highways. In fact, some US states lowered the drinking age during the Vietnam war. However, this quickly resulted in more alcohol-related highway fatalities. So, the drinking age was raised to nationwide in July Since most people get their first job at the age of 18, they will feel more comfortable around other workers if the drinking age is reduced. This would then make them more productive. Also, it is no secret that a lot of underage people purchase alcohol illicitly.

Should they be allowed to purchase legally, it will boost the flow of income into establishments like bars and restaurants, argumentative essay on drinking age. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Lowering the drinking age prepared by our experts:.

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It is always good to have laws on such goods so that young people are not acting in mass hysteria and there are drunk children running the streets, but if an age group such as the eighteen year old are able to do it with such ease anyway and only a very small percentage of them are actually caught by authorities, and for this reason, it all seems to be a complete waste of time. More money is being spent by our tax dollars to run an uphill battle. The time that is spent enforcing this law could be used by our officers finding and fighting more serious drugs and other problems that occur on our streets everyday. Writing up a young person or going through the court process for someone so young has got to be on the minds of those who do it as a complete waste of time also.

It is around the time of graduation for highschool students and college students that most parties are thrown that attract millions of young drinkers to come to them. For the kids that are caught by police and brought up on chargers, it causes them legal problems for months and years that can affect their careers going forward, causing some hard working students to suffer, sometimes preventing them from progressing forward. John Cloud The laws that prevent underage drinking do limit the numbers of drinking due to the fact that the teenagers or twenty year olds who don't want to break the law and continue to concentrate on more important aspects of their life, like education, but the ones who do decide to drink, do it to a point that is extremely dangerous.

David J. Hanson, a sociologist at State University of New York, who has been studying alcohol and drinking for over 40 years says, "Fewer young adults drink, but when they do drink they tend to drink more, and I'm mostly concerned about drinking to excess. When you prohibit drinking legally, it pushes it into places that are uncontrolled, like fraternity houses. These are places that promote drinking games and excessive, rapid consumption of alcohol, which puts people in danger of getting alcohol poisoning, and that can be fatal. The United States military allows service men and women to join up at the age of eighteen years of age and sometimes even seventeen with a waiver explaining the reason. If a young person can be asked to fight for his country and risk his or her life domestically or abroad, shouldn't a person of that age also be trusted with having good judgment to also buy and drink alcohol.

This is probably the biggest argument that many use when expressing their opinions on why the drinking age should be lowered. An eighteen year old with a gun in his hand is more dangerous than an eighteen year old with a beer in his hand. Although military members are not usually permitted to take their weapons off of base, they are still given the responsibility of handling a weapon while surrounded by many other service members and in times, civilians if patrolling the streets of a foreign country where the enemy chooses to hide among them. One of the dangers of lowering the drinking age that has been seen before in the past.

During the 's, when the legal drinking age was actually dropped back to to eighteen year of age, there were more reported younger and younger drinkers from before when it was twenty one. James C. Fell Drinking had been reported in junior high schools and middle schools which was a staggering find. The reason for this to me is simple. Young people usually have older friends that topple off after a couple of years. If the drinking age is lower, then young people have a younger access of friends who are able to buy alcohol for them. This being the case, if the drinking age were lowered back down to eighteen, the same past would probably come back to haunt us. Another good reason for lowering the drinking age to eighteen is that in other countries such as Italy, China and Greece, there are far less alcohol related incidents than in the United States.

The reason for this is that if the "taboo" or "forbidden fruit" curiosity of drinking is taken away, then less are tempted by it and it's not given such a high regard when it comes to young people. The curious try it young and can decide earlier if they enjoy the taste or feeling it gives before they are allowed to get behind the steering wheel of a car because the driving age is higher than the drinking age. Take away the sin and that results in less sinners. Having said that, lowering the drinking age to an age group that feels like they are invincible, can cause alcohol related incidents and death in other ways. Educating young people about the possible outcomes of drinking too early isn't enough.

Young people will continue to have the attitude that nothing can happen to them until something actually does and by that time, it is too late. Teenagers think they know everything, and until they are given the harsh truth that they don't with accidental physical harm or even law persecution, they will continue to have that attitude. With over one hundred college Presidents in , including such schools as Virginia Tech, Dartmouth and Duke, signing a declaration that the drinking age of 21 is not working CBS News Magazine , it is easy to say that lowering the drinking age is something that needs to be done.

The facts are that lowering the drinking age, although harder to see without actually doing so, will take away the mystique behind it. Drinking is going on anyway, no matter how hard people are against it, it is happening. The United States needs to concentrate on more important issues than passing laws that will just drive the use of alcohol further and further underground and causing more and more binge drinkers. Until this happens, useless amounts of time and money will be spent on something that will never go away.

Drinking Age. Should the Drinking Age be Lowered to a Younger Age. org, 1 Jan. Editor Richard Stengel. June Print Fell, John C. March We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email.

HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. org Underage drinking is as useless a fight as trying to stop drugs totally from being brought into America. John Cloud The laws that prevent underage drinking do limit the numbers of drinking due to the fact that the teenagers or twenty year olds who don't want to break the law and continue to concentrate on more important aspects of their life, like education, but the ones who do decide to drink, do it to a point that is extremely dangerous.

Works Cited: ProCon. Lowering The Drinking. Lowering The Drinking Age. United States. Drink Alcohol. Criminal Justice. Age Group. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January Argumentative Essay On The Drinking Age. December Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07, com, Dec Free Essay Examples - WowEssays. Published Dec 06, Share with friends using:. Removal Request. These drugs also become addictive hence, disorientating normal functionality of an individual. Therefore, having no legal drinking age presents a loophole for the destruction of the future generation. Essentially, involvement of a teenager in addictive substances and alcohol reflects on his adulthood life as this person will have the same behavior.

Legality in liquor drinks consumption serves to guard the interests of the people and the country at large. Every society coherently exist through imposition of rules that are meant to bring out the best of every individual. Thus, legality is a way to prevent crime prevalence and mitigate against delinquency behaviors among the youth that would be enhanced through alcoholism. Detrimental issues also arise as not to have a set limit age for drinking alcohol. First, many adolescents engage in alcoholism and use of substances way before they attain the legal age. The environmental factors through symbolic interactionism as explained by sociologist play key to understanding behaviorism. Peer pressure and history of alcoholism initiates children to drinking. In this case, having a legal age for liquor intake would not have any effect on the rate of consumption of such beverages.

Having MLDA should not be a factor of controlling alcoholism but rather consequences of indulging in harmful activities after such inducement should be the issue. Basically, there is no point of denying a teenager alcohol yet he takes at home and does not cause any harm. Youngsters should have a right to enjoy their lives and setting a limit on age drinking inhibits this right. Lastly, restriction of alcohol creates illegal demand for such a commodity. On the other hand, making it accessible makes it less appealing leading to responsible drinking. Therefore, having a legal age is necessary condition to regulating teenage consumption of liquor but it is never sufficient to hinder them from actually accessing and drinking alcohol. Effective measures should be employed to ensure its viability in relation to the rate of alcohol consumption among the underage.

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