Thursday, December 16, 2021

Essay on wild life conservation

Essay on wild life conservation

But unfortunately, the wildlife in India is not safe, essay on wild life conservation. Essay on Child Labour. Again the birds control the population of insects in the ecosystem. But due to some factors like excessive poaching, illegal trading, loss of habitat, pollution etc, several animals and birds are standing on the border of destruction. What are the most pressing conservation and biodiversity issues in Texas?

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Essay on Wildlife Conservation: Protecting the wild animals, plants and the related fauna is collectively referred to as wildlife conservation. Man exploited wildlife and exercised poaching for his personal benefits. Due to his selfishness, many species are on the verge of extinction today. In the Indian government passed a wildlife protection act to prevent damage to wildlife. Zoos, botanical gardens, and wildlife sanctuaries are some of the ways wildlife is being preserved. Wildlife refers to the species of animals that are not domesticated.

It also provides stability to different natural processes. Wildlife conservation is a well-protecting wildlife population, ecosystems, and plants. Each species in the world needs food, water, shelter and, most importantly, reproductive opportunities. Wildlife is a beautiful divine invention. God did not construct the universe essay on wild life conservation for man. On this Earth, essay on wild life conservation, we essay on wild life conservation the magnificent oak to the tiniest grass, from the giant whale to the smallest fries, in the wood. God forms all of these in a very balanced way. We, human beings, cannot contribute to these marvellous creations of nature but can preserve them.

Thus, wildlife protection is essential to preserve the equilibrium of mother earth. Conservation of wildlife is necessary to maintain a healthy ecological equilibrium among all living essay on wild life conservation. Every living being on this planet has a unique place in the food chain, and therefore contribute in their specific way to the ecosystem. Unfortunately, humans are destroying many natural ecosystems of plants and animals for land creation and firming. Some other factors that lead to the disappearance essay on wild life conservation wildlife are like poaching for fur, jewellery, meat, and leathers etc. If we do not take any action to save biodiversityessay on wild life conservation, then one day all animals will be on the list of endangered species.

It is up to us to save the wildlife and our planet. It is also vital for medical values since a considerable number of plants and animal species are used to derive certain essential drugs. Wildlife protection is essential for preserving a safe and healthy climate. Birds like Eagle and Vulture, essay on wild life conservation, for example, contribute to nature by collecting dead bodies from animals and keeping the surroundings healthy. To protect the environment, various types of wildlife management approaches may be employed. The following are some vital wildlife conservation methods in India India has a wide range of wild animals such as Indochinese tigers, Asian lions, Indochinese leopards, various deer species, and many more. However, due to certain factors such as unnecessary hunting, illegal trade, habitat degradation, deforestationetc.

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There should be a positive approach to the conservation of wildlife. There are many policies and plans and initiatives by the government already working for protection purposes. The wild animals and plants which are easy to protect or conserve within their own habitat should be protected following the in-situ conservation measures. The animals and plants which are unable to remain safe in their own habitat or are facing the extinction terrors should be conserved within laboratories or some reserves following ex-situ measures. Wildlife conservation is the phenomenon of protection and management of wildlife facing the danger of extinction.

Wildlife is an important feature of our ecology. They are the animals or plants which are the supporting systems of our ecosystem. They are living in wilderness in some forests or jungles. They are helping in maintaining our ecological balance. The inhuman practices are leading wildlife creatures to become endangered or extinct. India is rich in biodiversity, but there are many factors leading to the loss of the same. The main objective of the project was to maintain the habitat of the tigers from destruction. Secondly, ensuring a rise in the number of tigers. The project had a positive approach in saving our Royal Bengal Tigers, as their number increased from approx. At an initial level, there were 9 protected areas which came up to become 50 till This was really a successful attempt towards the conservation of the Tiger our national animal.

This project was launched at the central level, but the initiative was taken up by the states, funds were also provided to different states according to the requirements. The results of population explosion and urbanization have to lead to an increase in the activities of cutting down forests and turning them into buildings, hotels, or places of human settlements. This results in a reduction of the habitat of different forest-dwelling species. They have to leave those places and search for new habitat which is not very easy. The search for new habitat, a lot of competition for food, carries many of the species towards the verge of extinction. Wildlife animals and plants are important aspects of nature. A loss at any level may lead to unnatural consequences. They are responsible for the ecological balance and for the sustenance of mankind, the balance must be maintained.

The conservation of plants and animals in their natural habitat is called in-situ conservation. Red Data Book is that contains the data of the threatened species. If we do not take any action to save biodiversity , then one day all animals will be on the list of endangered species. It is up to us to save the wildlife and our planet. It is also vital for medical values since a considerable number of plants and animal species are used to derive certain essential drugs. Wildlife protection is essential for preserving a safe and healthy climate. Birds like Eagle and Vulture, for example, contribute to nature by collecting dead bodies from animals and keeping the surroundings healthy. To protect the environment, various types of wildlife management approaches may be employed.

The following are some vital wildlife conservation methods in India India has a wide range of wild animals such as Indochinese tigers, Asian lions, Indochinese leopards, various deer species, and many more. However, due to certain factors such as unnecessary hunting, illegal trade, habitat degradation, deforestation , etc. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Thus we should protect wildlife for our future generation. Introduction to wildlife conservation Essay: — Wildlife is a wonderful creation of God. God has not created the universe only for the human being. On this earth we find from the huge whale to the smallest fries, in the forest, we can find the majestic oak to the tiniest grass.

All are created in a very balanced way by God. Thus conservation of wildlife is necessary to maintain the balance of mother earth. Collectively the wild animals, the native fauna and flora of a reason can be called wildlife. Wildlife is found in all ecosystem. In other words, we can also say that the animals and plants that grow in a natural condition are called wildlife. What is wildlife conservation: — Wildlife conservation refers to the act of protecting wildlife from being destroyed. The condition of wildlife on this earth is deteriorating on daily basis. Time has arrived to conserve the wildlife from the cruel clutch of man. The human being is the main destroyer of the wildlife.

For example, the one-horned rhinos of Assam are on the verge of extinction as poachers are killing it daily for their own benefit. Importance of wildlife conservation: — It is not necessary to describe a lot about the importance of wildlife conservation. We should not allow the wildlife or a part of wildlife to vanish from this earth. We all know that nature maintains a balance of its own and every creature on this earth perform their duty to assist nature to maintain the natural balance. For example, trees not only provide oxygen to us but also maintain the climatic condition of a region. It also performs their duty in reducing global warming on this earth. Again the birds control the population of insects in the ecosystem. That is why the conservation of wildlife is important to maintain the balance of our ecosystem.

If we ignore the importance of wildlife and causing harm to it on regular basis, there will be a reverse effect on us too. Important methods for conservation of wildlife in India: — Different types of wildlife conservation methods can be applied to protect the wildlife. Some important methods for wildlife conservation in India are as follows: —. Conclusion to wildlife conservation essay: — Wildlife is an important part of mother earth. It is almost impossible to imagine the earth without the wildlife. So the beautiful wildlife needs to be protected from being destroyed.

It plays an important role in maintaining a healthy ecological balance in the earth. It also provides stability to different processes of nature. What is wildlife conservation — Wildlife Conservation is a well-planned way to protect the wild animal species and their habitats and plants. Every species in this world needs food, water, shelter and most importantly opportunities to reproduce. Habitat destruction by human activity is the primary threat to the species. Forests are the habitat for wildlife and for the smooth functioning of biological cycles of the earth; we must conserve forests along with Animal Species. Today, protecting wildlife has become as one of the most important tasks for mankind, because, animals and plants are the major part of a wider natural environment that provides food, shelter, and water for other wildlife and people.

Wildlife conservation is important for maintaining a healthy ecological balance among all the living creatures. Every living creature in this earth has a unique place in the food chain and thus, they contribute to the ecosystem in their own special way. But sadly, for land development and firming many natural habitats of plants and animals are being destroyed by humans. Some other factors that contribute to wildlife extinction are like the hunting of animals for fur, jewelry, meat, and leathers etc. It is our responsibility to save the wildlife and our planet. Below are some of the reasons for wildlife conservation for students of class X and higher that will help you to understand the importance of wildlife conservation. In situ conservation — This type of conservation protects the imperil animal or plant on site in its natural habitat.

Programs like National Parks, Biological Reserves comes under In Situ Conservation. Ex situ conservation — Ex situ conservation of wildlife literally means off-site conservation of wild animals and plants by removing and relocating some part of a population to protected habitat. India has a wide variety of wild animals like Indochinese tigers, Asiatic Lions, Indochinese Leopards, various species of deer, the great Indian Rhinoceros and many more. But due to some factors like excessive poaching, illegal trading, loss of habitat, pollution etc, several animals and birds are standing on the border of destruction. Though the Government of India is taking steps to protect Wildlife, the integral heritage of India, every citizen of India must think it to be his duty to protect wildlife. Some of the steps taken by the Government of India towards Wildlife conservation in India are —.

Conclusion of wildlife conservation essay —. The hunting and trading of animals need to be controlled by the government by imposing strict laws in order to succeed in Wildlife Conservation. The wildlife protection act, is working like a milestone in the conservation of wildlife.

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