Short-term enjoyment from the drugs addiction essay can lead to serious long-term problems; this can cause serious health issues and behaviour changes. Even though my grandfather was among…. Both penalty and fine should be imposed upon the addicts. The drug vendors and drug sellers should be given the exemplary punishment for its open sale, drugs addiction essay. Demerits: Drug is a dangerous thing. In the Code of Hammurabi, an ancient Babylonian law code which speaks negatively of men who were drinking excessive amounts of alcohol Hanson et al. A great awareness should be created among people of all classes through mass media like radios, television, newspaper etc.
Drug addiction is a major social evil of modern times. It has spread its tentacles among the young and the old, and the rich and the poor. It is a problem of the whole society and has eaten into its vitals. In the beginning a person takes a drug out of curiosity or for pleasure, drugs addiction essay. But once he gets used to drugs, he becomes an addict. He finds it difficult to give up the habit. The condition of a drug addict, when he does not get his usual dose, needs to be seen. His whole body suffers in unbearable pain and maddening agony.
He falls in the hands of drug traffickers, terrorists and other anti-social elements. There are many reasons for the worldwide spread of drug addiction. Easy availability of drugs like brown sugar, drugs addiction essay, hashish, and he-roin etc. Migration of rural youth to the cities in search of livelihood, breaking up of the joint-family system, pressures of modern living, its tensions and tribulations and uncaring parents, tend to increase the tendency to take to drugs. The absence of moral values in modern youth and materialistic approach to life has also encouraged the use of drugs. Drugs are not only bad in themselves, but they also give drugs addiction essay to drugs addiction essay anti-social activities.
As drugs are very costly, their addicts indulge in petty robberies and house breaks and extortions, drugs addiction essay. Most of them fall in the hands of drug-peddlers, drugs addiction essay, murderers, and terrorist groups. Drugs addiction essay girls get sexually abused and often land in brothels. Tamil terrorists in Srilanka and terrorists in Kashmir are known to indulge in drug-trafficking throughout the world. In India drug addiction is increasing. Official figures show that there are between 15 to 17 lac. her-oin addicts in India. Recently, drugs addiction essay, reports of the free sale of her-oin and brown sugar in the university campuses and schools have prominently been published in our national newspapers.
Professional colleges and other institutions are known to be the hotbeds of drug addicts The conditions are really very saddening. The increase in the number of drug users is very alarming. The world community is not blind to this menace. Government and voluntary organisations throughout the world are taking steps to check it and rehabilitate the addicts. International Drug Enforcement Agency has been formed to tackle this problem. The press and the electronic media have been carrying on an unrelenting propaganda against the use of drugs. But more stringent measures need to be taken. Some countries like our neighbours which encourage drug-trafficking are responsible for its production, should be prevented from doing so. International opinion can force them to put an end to the production of drugs in their countries.
Counselling centres need to be opened in big cities to give advice to the youth. Anti drug drugs addiction essay centres can save the youth from this evil of the present time. Skip to content. Noise Pollution Essay in English August 7, Essay on Communal Harmony March 27, Rise in Prices Essay March 13, Essay on New Year November 3, Social Service Essay April 8, My Ambition in Life Essay in English July drugs addiction essay, Black Skin White Masks Chapter 1 Summary by Frantz Fanon February 17, Essay on Drama in English February 7, Drugs addiction essay Essay on Earthquake in English February 16, Type your search. Add English Summary to home Add!
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American Psychiatric Association, 8 Furthermore, addiction in itself is classified as a disease and a manifestation of mental illness. As such, it is precarious to attempt to navigate dealing with someone who has an extensive drug addiction problem. It becomes a part of their physiological makeup and as such, it needs to be treated with caution and care. There are no easy routes to handling drug addiction. A friend of mine had a close loved one who was deeply entrenched in drug addiction and it affected their life tremendously.
When I asked them how they had handled the situation, they told me that for years, they and their family had tried to protect and care for the ailing loved one. It was only after they quit relying on their family and realized what the effects of drugs had done to their lives that they were able to analyze the true implications of their addiction in its entirety. They have to work themselves into their own minds and all you can do is be there for support if and when they are able to do so. The rates of relapse are significantly higher, depending on the frequency of usage and the amount of outside interference that acts upon their addiction.
The subject of drug addiction can be a difficult one for a lot of people; it goes without saying that essentially all of us have either seen or heard of someone who suffers from addiction. With over When considering a clinical question for nursing practice, it is important to be certain that the question is one that has an appropriate population, an appropriate intervention to be tried,…. Medication is an essential process in the management and control of the aspects challenges associated with drug addiction and dependence. This is achieved through the strategic application of the suitable…. The drug sometimes referred to as coke, blow, snow, and powder has a very strange reputation in Western culture.
It has been innocuously associated with Coca-Cola for years, the super…. Drug trafficking is an illegal business that involves the production, sales and distribution of substances prohibited by laws. Cocaine is among the drugs being trafficked to America from regions like…. Owing to the rising outcry of patients with cancer and their demand for attention, it is important to sort an integrative medical care. Integrated medicine will come to bring about…. There are a wide range of technological innovations that have fundamentally altered the field of health care. One such innovation is mammography. Mammography is a breast imaging method that involves…. The choice of topic for this paper results from the case of leukemia in my family.
Even though my grandfather was among…. Leukemia is termed as a type of cancer that affects blood cells, mostly affecting white blood cells. The prime role of white blood cells is to protect the body from…. This essay discusses Prostate Cancer, its preventive services and treatment options. Prostate Cancer is very rampant in the United Kingdom as more than 40, men contract prostate cancer in America…. Your professor may flag you for plagiarism if you hand in this sample as your own. Shall we write a brand new paper for you instead? Drugs have been employed by civilizations for millennia and have been exploited for both medicinal and recreational incentives.
Defining drug, drug abuse, and drug addiction are necessary to establish a context for discussion. The consequences of drug addiction will then be focused into a social view and will address addiction and its role as a social problem. The term "drug" is used to classify a range of substances. Drugs can be used for medicinal purposes, recreational purposes, and be found in substances that are consumed daily and are considered harmless. Caffeinated beverages and herbs, for example, are drugs and influence bodily processes, but are ingested by billions of people every day. Caffeine is considered a legal drug, as are tobacco products, alcohol, and prescription medications.
Glues and cleaning agents are legal for purchase, but contain harsh chemicals and can be abused for their ability to alter physiological processes. These substances include alcohol, marijuana, barbiturates, narcotics, inhalants, and hallucinogens. Defining Drug Abuse and Addiction Although drug abuse and drug addiction are not the same, they tend to occur together. In theory, all drugs have the potential to be abused and misused. Examples of drug misuse is drinking alcohol to the point of drunkenness and exceeding the recommended dose of prescription medication.
Drug addiction is a human issue that does not discriminate between gender, race, sexual orientation, creed, or otherwise. Drug Addiction is a Social Problem Government slogans such as "War on Drugs" are enough to make one believe that drugs have been abused and misused only in recent decades. For example, the Grecian oracles of Delphi used drugs while communicating their prophecies. The use of mandrake root, a hallucinogen, is mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the Bible as an item used to barter for lovemaking Hanson et al. Attempts to lower the incidence of drug abuse dates as far back as B. In the Code of Hammurabi, an ancient Babylonian law code which speaks negatively of men who were drinking excessive amounts of alcohol Hanson et al. Drug abuse and addiction are not novel concepts in human history; however, drug abuse is currently more severe and widespread than ever before in recorded history Hanson et al.
Advances in communication, manufacturing, drug design, and shipping have all contributed to the growth of the human population, growth in business, and ultimately growth in drug distribution and consumption UNDCP, Global changes in economics and politics have been conducive to the enhanced exchange of goods and money from one country to another, and in some cases have made trade easier and cheaper. Illicit drugs and their users can be found in nearly every country and every city. In , the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA reported The availability of illicit drugs to youth speaks to the potential for drug abuse and addiction to occur at a younger age than ever before.
The widespread availability and use of drugs has made drug addiction one of the most significant social problems in the 20th and 21st centuries. The cost of drug addiction impacts economies, health care, law enforcement and community resources UNDCP, If one is willing to classifying drug addiction as a social problem, then drug addiction is everyone's problem. The solution to eradicate the social problem of drug addiction will require the work of social entities such as the family, the faith organizations, and the community.
The threat of law enforcement and legal action has proven to be an insufficient solution to the addiction problem. Addicts need the social support provided by their supporters and members of the community to overcome the addiction. Finding Solutions for Drug Addiction within the Community A social problem requires a social solution. Drug addiction is a social problem that has penetrated into all age groups, genders, races, creeds, and social groups. Finding a solution to the social problem of drug addiction requires the efforts of such social institutions as the family, the church, and the community. These social bodies have the potential to directly impact, influence, and guide an addict to sobriety in a healthy manner. The continued work of people in the community to positively influence and provide healthy resources to addicts are critical to solving the social problem of drug addiction.
The Role of the Family The family represents a complex social structure that has the potential to nurture the behaviors of its individuals. The family is also viewed as a basic source of strength and support, which cultivates stability and continuity for the community UNDCP, As much as the family can be a source… [END OF PREVIEW]. READ MORE. Two Ordering Options:? To download this paper immediately , it takes only 2 minutes to subscribe. After you pay and log-in, the "Download Full Paper" link will instantly download any paper s that you wish! You'll be the only person on the planet to receive the one-of-a-kind paper that we write for you! Related Research Papers: Drug Addiction and Crime Research Paper … Drug Addiction and Crime Over the last several decades, the U. For the purpose… Pages: 4 words · Type: Term Paper · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 7 How Drug Addiction Should Be Treated as a Disease and Not Criminally Term Paper … ¶ … Drug Addiction Should Be Treated as an Illness and Not Through the Criminal Justice System Addiction by definition is illogical and irrational.
In the topic of drug abuse… Pages: 2 words · Type: Essay · Bibliography Sources: 2 Drug Legalization Term Paper … Drug Legalization As the country was turning into the 20th century, drugs that were in the market were largely unregulated. How to Cite "Drug Addiction" Research Paper in a Bibliography: APA Style Drug Addiction.
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