Program Evaluation The incidence of obesity and overweight among women perpetually increases with every year of life. The second question universal health care essay the author to identify at least five different types of common healthcare program evaluation techniques. Submit your old papers to our essay database and help fellow students to learn from example. May 20, "Is Health Care Truly a Right? Sign up for an account.
Paper Types, universal health care essay. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work, universal health care essay. Universal health care is the special coverage system that ensures that all residents of the country have an access to the medical facilities and assistance. Universal health care is funded through a variety of different programs worldwide. All of the developed states, accept for the USA, have universal health care system, universal health care essay. However, the question still remains: is universal health care essay universal universal health care essay care a solution to all of the problems in the sphere? Should such programs be implied everywhere else in the world?
I suppose no. With all its benefits and positive sides, universal health care has a number of serious drawbacks and counterarguments that should not be ignored. It is hard to estimate the costs of introducing the universal health care in the US, but the sum will obviously be huge. There may simply be not enough money to provide the entire population with free medical assistance. Such funds are obviously not accessible to the US government in the nearest years. Secondly, it is rather obvious that free health care is not a constitutional right. Effective health care is rather a privilege that has to be paid for, than a government-ensured right of any citizen. There already is a number of responsibilities carried out by the federal government. Tax system already funds a great number of initiatives that urge for more spending social protection and benefits, national security, etc.
Then, it is rather clear that waiting time would increase dramatically, which could lead to serious problems. Once the health care system becomes free for everyone, the lines in hospitals will double or even triple. Eventually, the waiting time for those actually needing help might increase. Each visit to a doctor is relatively expensive, which makes people think twice before actually going to the hospital with the most insignificant reasons. Moreover, it is rather likely universal health care essay over-regulation might emerge. In case the government spent money on the health care coverage, it would like much more control over where the money is going.
Even now, it takes hours to process all the necessary forms and blanks. Shall the doctors become government officials, the problem will obviously get worse as the flexible insurance — paid health care system will turn into a massive bureaucratic government-owned institution. The fifth argument states that universal health care is likely to be much less efficient than the system that is already used in the US. In case there is no direct consumer for the good or service, its quality usually falls significantly. If the medical care is funded by the government, medical staff receives the same compensation regardless of the quality of their work. Material stimulation is one of the most powerful ones and universal health care actually lacks it.
As long as the service is not directly paid for, the consumer might feel neglected. In case of the medical system that means that medical staff is likely to become much less serious about their job. A number of economists argue that serious disproportions in the income redistribution might emerge. Some of the health services are extremely costly to perform. Everyone receiving similar health coverage is simply not fair. Some people work hard and pay taxes that eventually cover the health services. Others, however, remain idle or unemployed, universal health care essay, generating no income for the state, universal health care essay. These people will eventually get sick and receive adequate health services, making the rest pay for it.
Health insurance sector is an extremely important part of the entire US financial system. Insurance companies posses a significant share in the structure of investments. Introduction of the universal health care will virtually eliminate this sector of the economy. Refusing from the general insurance coverage would mean refusing from billions of dollars in both profits and in potential investment. This would obviously hurt the financial sector of the country, which is already damaged by the global financial crisis. And finally tax burden is very likely to increase dramatically. Introduction of the universal health care would mean spending at least trillion of US dollars. US debt is already the largest one in the world and the largest in history.
In order to finance these spending, some taxes would need to be increased, which is likely to lower overall economic effectiveness, universal health care essay. All the grounds and warrants provided above are rather obvious to an educated person. Simple economic models and laws prove that universal health care is not necessarily a remedy. Monopoly power is almost always negative, and government control over the economy is seldom effective. com website. Published March 18, universal health care essay, Lee, C. Pibel, D. Infant Mortality Rates of Europe, Research Paper Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay?
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This leads to a decrease in the overall quality of care and it will not slow the price increases, as the government seeks to restrict access to these services. Then, when the program becomes broken such as: what is happening to Social Security removing or reforming the bureaucracy is nearly impossible. Messerili, A second argument that many critics make about universal health care is: it will stifle innovation. Whenever, the government is running any kind of program, they will place a large number of restrictions and regulations on the industry. When this takes place, you are causing some of the best and brightest minds to seek careers in other fields, as the restrictions from the government are too cumbersome. A good example of this would be: the…. Bibliography Trends in Health Care Costs and Spending.
pdf Andersen, R. Changing the U. Health Care System. Washington D. C: National Academy Press. Gratzer, D. Better Medicine. Toronto, on: ECW Press. universal access to health care in U. population Ethical Issues in Global Health: orld Healthcare Organization a Fundamental Universal Health Care Enabling U. Population in Accessing Healthcare The objective of this study is to examine ethical issues in global health care and specifically the orld Healthcare Organization as being a fundamental in universal health care enabling the U.
population in accessing healthcare. The work of right relates that the United States, in a comparison of several indicators of health "ranks in or near last place among industrialized nations of the world. right, , paraphrased hile the United States boasts the best in the world's choice of…. Works Cited Tanner, M. The Bulletin. Cato Institute. Menzel, , p. The United States and other nations over the last twenty or so years, have begun a sweeping change in health care delivery, regarding the manner in which health information is input, stored and accessed. Computer use in the medical industry has greatly increased over the last thirty years the culmination of this is fully networked electronic medical record keeping.
Hillestad, et al. WHO rates France as having the best healthcare "World Health," Money for subsidies comes from mandatory earnings contributions such as 5. An argument that often arises is that people say they don't want the government deciding what medical procedures they can have. However, decisions regarding what procedures are covered by a particular health plan are made by the healthcare insurance companies, which are for-profit "Insurance Verification," n. Many people are denied treatment regardless of the illness. As already mentioned, some of the other nations with universal healthcare have supplementary plans in addition to the government plans that allow the patient more choice.
There are many…. References: Carrasquillo, O. A Reappraisal of Private Employers' Role in Providing Health Insurance. NEJM, 1 , ranks last among 7 countries on health system performance. php Reid, T. Frontline: Sick around the world [Television broadcast]. New York: Central Broadcasting Service. Health Care Past, Current, And Future The health of any nation should be a top priority for leaders and elected political representatives, but in the United States it took several centuries for the nation to begin to come to terms with providing health care for its citizens. This paper covers the gradual implementation of health care services and doctor training facilities in the U.
Thesis: It is a scandal of massive proportions that a well-functioning, citizen-friendly universal health care system cannot be instituted in America, the world's most democratic superpower. Until the divisive and toxic political climate can be reformed, there is no chance of major reforms -- or for universal health care coverage -- in these United States. Past Health Care Services -- Early America Health care in colonial…. Works Cited Daly, John. Professional Nursing: Concepts, Issues, and Challenges. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Gorsky, Martin. Good Health for America? History Today, 60 2 , McCarthy, Robert L. Introduction to Health Care. However, they contradict themselves trough supporting one's right to commit physician-assisted suicide, since this would virtually mean that the individual who is no longer willing to live is not provided with health care meant to prevent him or her from dying Epstein, , p. Among those opposed to the fact that health care is becoming increasingly better are those who are in their twenties and are obliged to work hard in order to pay for their own medical insurance and for that of the underprivileged Bonner, Contemporary health care is basically provided by groups forced to pay taxes in order for others to benefit out of the process.
The fact that health care is a privilege and not a right was made obvious ever since the foundation of the Department of Health, Education, and elfare. The name contained the term welfare with the intention of highlighting how…. Works cited: Bloche, M. Mortal Peril: Our Inalienable Right to Health Care? Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, Heirich, M. Rethinking Health Care: Innovation and Change in America Boulder, CO: Westview Press, Sanders, B. Surgeons in Canada report that, for heart patients, the danger of dying on the waiting list now exceeds the danger of dying on the operating table. Emergency rooms there are so overcrowded that patients awaiting treatment frequently line the corridors.
Not only is there a long wait for care, but care is frequently denied to patients who prognosis is poor. In ritain kidney dialysis is generally denied patients over the age of At least 1, ritons die each year because of lack of dialysis. Countries with national health care systems also lag far behind the U. In the availability of modern medical technology. In Canada, high-technology medicine is virtually unavailable. In addition to being biased against new medical technologies, national health care systems generally discriminate against nontraditional practitioners, such as naturopaths and chiropractors. It is true that Canada spends only about nine percent of its GDP on health care,…. Bibliography Financing National Health Insurance. html Accessed 9 Feb. Health Care Policy Issues.
htm Accessed 9 Feb. Healthcare Legislative Bill The expanded and improved Medicare for all Acts The Expanded and mproved Medicare for All Act was introduced to the House of Representatives in and seeks to lobby for the implementation of a common single-payer health care system throughout the United States o0f America. The bill if enacted would require that all medical care costs be paid for automatically by the government instead of private insurances for the same. The move will significantly alter the role of private insurance companies as merely offering supplemental coverage especially when the kind of medical care sought is not all that essential McCormick, With the Expanded and mproved Medicare for All Bill, the country's national system will be paid for through taxes and the monies that will replace the regular insurance premiums.
Proponents of the bill argue that by eliminating the need for private insurance companies in the national…. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science, , Insuring America's Health: Principles and Recommendations The American Journal of Medical Practices, , The Impact of single-payer Medicare Program, New York. Expenditure, This merciful act is taken because of a simple fact; these elderly are deemed too old to work. Americans younger than 65 have an expectation of work placed on them in order to receive medical care at The third issue of universal health care is the principle of hard work and earning your keep. In America, health care for the young is seen as a privilege, not a right. There are some who disagree with this, but America at large is skeptical of all forms of welfare and state controlled support.
The problem for many is a philosophical challenge to the notion that poor unemployed workers deserve health care paid for by their hard working neighbors. orks Cited Centers for medicare and medicaid services. Works Cited Centers for medicare and medicaid services. Healthcare Plan eview The author of this report is to answer three general questions relating to healthcare program evaluation. The first question asks the author of this report to examine the overall purpose of healthcare program evaluation. The second question asks the author to identify at least five different types of common healthcare program evaluation techniques.
Finally, one of those methods in particular will be selected and there will be a drilling down into more detail on that single type. While the purpose and method of operations is quite similar with all program evaluation types, there are some subtle to major differences from type to type. At its core, the purpose of healthcare program evaluation is to analyze and improve the operations and performance of a healthcare program based on a systematic and full review of what is going right, what is going wrong and what needs to be changed. References Fink, A. National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Program Evaluation Universal healthcare is the only saving formula for this nation, which is doomed in a health care crisis of unprecedented proportions. There is a urgent need to transform healthcare from its present state of commercialism towards the humanitarian approach which guarantees 'healthcare for all' independent of their social or financial circumstances. A shared and collective responsibility of healthcare management is the only viable formula for America. It is high time we learn from Canada, UK and other European nations and restructure the current broken state of our healthcare.
The successful passing of the USNHC act H. Will the powerful insurance industry hold its ground yet again and resist this awakening leaving all the citizens doomed? This is an important question for all the citizens of our country. ibliography 1 Science Daily, 'American Values lamed for U. Bibliography 1 Science Daily, 'American Values Blamed for U. htm 2 Laura K. Altom, BS, MSIII and Larry R. Churchill, PhD, Ann Geddes Stahlman 'Pay, Pride, and Public Purpose: Why America's Doctors Should Support. As a result, millions of Americans remain unable to bear the heavy financial toll of medical expenses. Indeed, the problem of a lack of insurance for many is related to the problem of the cost of healthcare.
So confirms the article by Consumer Reports CR , which finds that "health-insurance premiums have grown faster than inflation or workers' earnings over the past decade, in parallel with the equally rapid rise in overall health costs. Moreover, these users are most vulnerable to the long-term economic damages provoked by unexpected healthcare costs. Works Cited: Bureau of Labor Education BLE. The U. Health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive? The University of Maine. Childress, M. Poverty is on the Upswing, but Metric is Out of Date.
The Washington Independent. Cockerham, W. Medical Sociology and Sociological Theory. The Backwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Consumer Reports CR. High Health Care Costs. Consumer Reports Health. In , a Ten-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care was announced, primarily intended to improve access to medical services, decrease wait times, and update medical equipment and ensure accurate reporting and enhance public health promotion and prevention programs. Shortly thereafter, the Canadian Supreme Court affirmed the nation's health care philosophy and the immediate need to implement further improvements envisioned by the ambitious plan in striking down a Quebec law that had prohibited private medical insurance for covered services: The evidence in this case shows that delays in the public health care system are widespread and that in some serious cases, patients die as a result of waiting lists for public health care In sum, the prohibition on obtaining private health insurance is not constitutional where the public system fails to deliver reasonable services.
References Canadian Medical Association Journal. html Kraus, C. Health Care Finance Greenwald engages in a discussion comparing the U. health care system to, well, other health care systems. An interesting methodological fault is that Greenwald cherry-picks his examples. In one paragraph, he compares the U. with Canada, in other the UK, and in another Spain. he problem, methodologically, is that he can cherry-pick data from whatever country best suits his argument. What this means, in terms of interpretation, is that Greenwald's findings need to be taken with a grain of salt. As an example, Greenwald notes higher wait times in three countries for urgent coronary artery bypass. Nobody likes high wait times, but Greenwald's U. figure doesn't factor in the uninsured, whose wait time is infinity.
hey just die. he issue many have with the U. system is not that performance is poor; it is that performance is only good when you can afford it. his cuts to…. This cuts to the heart of the difference between the U. And other industrialized countries. The trade-off between quality of care and universal care exists in any nation. The trade-off that other countries have made is that they have chosen universal care, even when there are times when service standards are lower. In the U. There are reasons for this, and they are more social that medical.
While some have argued that lobbyists are the issue, I disagree with that assessment, because most other nations adopted universal health care long before lobbyists took over the U. The lack of universal health care in the U. The erosion of the manufacturing base has in turn eroded the sort of jobs where working class Americans can get health insurance; replace such jobs with part-time retail and the number of insured will decrease. There is a certain lack of concern with the well-being of these groups that has resulted in a lack of desire to provide insurance for them.
It's kind of the elephant in the room -- while Canada and Europe were developing universal health care, a lot of parts of the United States were having trouble wrapping their head around desegregation in schools. We should not be so naive as to think this mentality does not play a role in public opposition to universal health care. As well, health care costs were manageable and for most, the system has worked reasonably well. This means there was no impetus for change -- only recently with the explosion of health care costs has there been concern about paying for health insurance even from the middle class. Costs There are a number of reasons why health care costs are lower in other nations. Greenwald notes that American health care facilities are more likely to invest in the most modern equipment.
I wish he did not cherry-pick his supporting evidence "seniors in Miami in the last six months of their lives receive the best care anywhere in the world" because this is a fairly demonstrable reality. At the top end, the U. health care system is usually better than in other countries. The fault Greenwald has is not following through and asking why this is. He is correct in pointing out that the best care can and should cost more. But facilities invest so heavily for two key. The issue of grey and black markets often arose as a result of the shortages of experienced health care personnel.
The system could not adapt to a flexible environment as it was led by rigid official procedures and the mentality of the people who controlled it was commanding, their vision short-sighted and hardly beneficial in such a situation Barr and Mark, The breaking up of Soviet Union which brought crippling economic and political problems to the countries also aggravated the health care situation making it reach an all-time low. The collapse of the health care system ran by the government led to the belief that turning towards a market economy or more capitalistic notions and perceptions would have been a better idea.
The competition in the private sector would have had improved efficiency and averted an inevitable collapse of the health care system in the Soviet Union. This transformation,…. References Balabanova, D. Health service utilization in the former Soviet Union: evidence from eight countries. Health Services Research Barr, D. And Mark G. The Current State of Health Care in the Former Soviet Union: Implications for Health Care Policy and Reform. American Journal of Public Health. Lewis, M. Informal Health Payments in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Issues, Trends and Policy Implications. In Funding Health Care, European Observatory on Health Care Systems Series, edited by E. Mossialos, a. Dixon, J. Figueras, and J. Kutzin, pp. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Mikesell, J. And Mullins, D. Public Administration Review. In addition, Senator Collins led the fight to restore critical f funding to Medicare for home health care so that elderly citizens and disabled can receive needed care in their own homes "Biography". Collins was also a supporter of the stimulus package that improves healthcare information technology. As it pertains to abortions Susan Collins is also pro-choice and believes in stem cell research. She is adamant about the right of a woman to choose just as Senator Kennedy. She also voted no on prohibiting HHS grants to organization who perform abortions. She has also been a proponent of expanding stem cell research.
In both the present and the past Collins has worked to ensure that healthcare coverage is affordable. From the bill that she coauthored with Senator Kennedy…. Works Cited Biography. Official Website of Senator Susan Collins. Moderates in Congress feel health care push. html Healthcare. Official Website of Edward Kennedy. Figure 1 portrays the state of Maryland, the location for the focus of this DR. Figure 1: Map of Maryland, the State Google Maps, 1. Chapter II: Review of the Literature in Chapter II, the researcher explores information accessed from researched Web sites; articles; books; newspaper excerpts; etc. Potter, S. London: Sage. Qualitative research: Approaches, methods, and rigour, , Nov.
Microsoft PowerPoint Qualitative Research AdvC08 RS. Retrieved March 10, from www. Health disparities: Impact on Business and Economics Summit. Maryland's healthcare at a glance. The Heart of Community Health Baltimore Medical Syste. Universal healthcare would benefit a large segment of the population, and it should be implemented as quickly as possible to ensure the nation's health and to save money. There are some clear arguments against universal healthcare. One of the most well-known and cited is the idea that the Federal Government is not capable of efficiently managing healthcare, and they cite the problems with the Veteran's Hospitals and Medicare as a very real example of that mismanagement and inability to control costs and other aspects of universal healthcare.
Many government agencies are indeed inefficient, understaffed, and mismanaged, so care must be taken to ensure this does not happen with any agency managing universal healthcare. There should be strict controls and measures in place to ensure the agency is managed efficiently and provides the best results, and there should be measures in place to ensure the quality and delivery of healthcare services,…. References Chua, K-P. pdf Canadian Healthcare System Fact Sheet. pdf Emanuel, E. It Covers Everyone. Orient, Jane. Fractured Healthcare: Americans Are Told That We Need 'Universal Healthcare. Despite of the receipt of federal funding to assist in the set-up of an insurance exchange program, the Minnesota legislature is not cooperating with the Governor Drayton's plans to design a program.
Instead, in a classic example of partisan politics, the legislature is going forward with its own plans to design an exchange program. In doing so, the legislature is placing the State of Minnesota in a position of possibly losing the grant provided by the federal government. According to the grant provisions, the state must show it can operate an effective exchange program by the end of calendar year or the federal government under the terms of ACA will impose a one size fits all exchange on the state. Even the state's most conservative political groups oppose this happening and advocate that the state's executive and legislative branches cooperate in formulating an acceptable state exchange program.
The effect…. Works Cited Berkel, Jessica Van. Minnesota Daily. Gray, Virginia. Harrington, Scott E. Minnesota Department of Human Services. health care in the United States has been the source of heated debate for a number of years. Although the publicity surrounding the issue has been considerable and made to look like it is a recent problem facing the nation, the problem, in reality, has been on the horizon for nearly a century. During President Woodrow Wilson's administration, efforts were unsuccessfully made to pass national legislation regarding the delivery of health care in the United States and the issue has appeared periodically on the national agenda ever since Lepore, Finally, on March 23, , among massive controversy, the Affordable Care Act, through the massive efforts of the Obama administration, became law.
Despite the passing of the Affordable Care Act, health care in the United States remains dismal for a large percentage of American citizens. Although there were a number of significant provisions in the Act that took effect nearly…. References Anderson, R. Improving Access to Care in America. Los Angeles: University of California. Boehm, G. Debunking Medical Malpractice Myths: Unraveling the False Premises behind Tort Reform. Lepore, J. Preexisting Condition. The New Yorker. Shi, L. Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach 3rd Edition. ACA The Affordable Care Act works on the premise that all Americans should have access to health care insurance. Because this is provided through insurance companies, the system is only enforceable under certain conditions.
One of the key tenets of health care reform is the idea that those with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance coverage. This group of people has long had problems getting insurance, and insurance companies spend tens of millions to invent pre-existing conditions that would then be used to deny coverage. Even insurance commissioners have been known to take offensive and absurd stances on pre-existing conditions, arguing that insurance companies should not have to take customers with such conditions because the person is to blame for their pre-existing condition Ferguson, With attitudes like this from people connected to the insurance industry, the only way that the Obama Administration was going to achieve universal health care….
References Ferguson, D. Georgia insurance commissioner: It's your fault if you have a pre-existing commission. Unpopular mandate. Washington State provides case study on effects of health care reform. Washington Post. American Association of Retired People. Discuss how this savings will be accomplished and what potential sacrifices in health care delivery may be experienced. The Affordable Care Act ACA was designed to make healthcare more accessible to a wider array of Americans and also more equitable in its method of delivery. Some of its provisions included requiring all adults with some hardship exemptions to have healthcare or pay a penalty.
The hope was that expanding the risk pool of young, healthy insured who might otherwise forgo coverage would support the costs of some of the other provisions of the bill,…. References Carroll, A. Why increasing access to healthcare does not save money. The New York Times. I'm an Obama supporter. But Obamacare has hurt my family. The Washington. Universal Healthcare Universal Health are for America: How a Socialist Model an Work in a Democratic ountry The possibility of a universal health care system in the United States seems distant at times. Yet as more and more youths graduate college, and as more and more adults lose positions they have held for decades, one finds oneself wishing that the United States would at least secure this basic right for such individuals, many of whom have few prospects for immediate hire and remain without health insurance coverage.
The political situation often does not match social reality, especially with respect to universal health care. Though President Obama has taken measures to ensure that the health care system is at least reformed a little, the path to a future vote for universal health care remains long and arduous. Sadly, few can envision a socialist model of healthcare working in America, and content…. Conclusions The health care debates should not focus around political ideologies or other political issues. Instead, our nation's leaders ought to realize that obtaining medical services should not be privilege and this is exactly what private corporations have made it now. Instead, this should be a right, that each American can have, and each American should exercise his or her democratic right and be able to bring this to fruition by campaigning for it alongside other supports.
This paper has given a history of the health care system in the United States, and has provided alternatives and possibilities of implementing these alternatives in order to make this country a better place for all. A universal, even socialized health care system in the United States should not mean that this country is compromising any of its values; instead it should make note of the fact that such a system, tailored to fit this country as mentioned above, would enable all to have a better way of life and perhaps an even longer life. In order to attain this we must fight as Americans for a basic right. This country is great, and has been able to reform everything in its history, and health care should be no different.
have Universal Health Care? Opposing Views. Health Policy Introduction This paper will outline some of the high-level issues in the American health care system. At this level, the discussion centers around issues such as the political environment, the influence of key stakeholders and power structures. By analyzing the health care system through these lenses, the observer is able to better understand why or why not good ideas are implemented or not. There are five central questions that will be addressed in this discussion, starting with the impact of socioeconomic and sociopolitical factors on US health care policy. This is typically driven by access to care. While there…. This suggests that a combination of perspectives, rather than the market or single-payer perspectives that form so many healthcare systems, is most effective.
There are also, of course, healthcare systems that have developed in the same period as those mentioned above, but with far more negative results. The South African healthcare system, though effective in combating certain specific conditions, has many of the same failings as the United States' system, only on to a far more apparent degree. A lack of organization and responsiveness, exacerbated by an attempt to exert highly politicized and highly centralized control over healthcare provision, has plagued South African efforts to combat AIDS and many other problems the country -- and the…. References Offredy, M. Squires, A. Healthcare reform: A comparative book review. Wan, Y.
Covering the uninsured in Current costs, sources of payment, and incremental costs. Health Affairs, Web Exclusive, According to Hadley et al. This cost is considerable, yet the cost of allowing the status quo to remain is far greater. In the article, "Covering the uninsured" the authors use quantitative analysis to determine how much care uninsured persons currently receive, how much of it remains uncompensated because of an inability to pay, and how much more coverage would be consumed if all Americans did have health insurance Hadley Their data encompasses interviews of , people who were part of the Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys; data from government budgets and health care providers; surveys…. Health Policies Medicare hen everyone in our country finally starts to reach the age of 65 years of age or older, then every person will become eligible for Medicare.
It is clear that there are some elderly that are having minimum health concerns while others recurrently are dealing with medical issues for which they will have to seek out treatment by the doctor. However, research is starting to display that there are at least five top conditions that are enhancing on medical and drug spending. It is obvious that Heart disease circumstances are the number one medical issue that the those that are considered elderly are facing and that is becoming very costly to them.
Most are unaware that the second one is the disease cancer and it could be internal or external for various elderly patients. Other issues such as joint ailments a lot of the times can cost…. Work Cited: Wenzlow, Audra T. Sommers, Benjamin D. Verdier, James, and Allison Barrett. Harman, Jeffrey S. Hall, and Jianyi Zhang. While it may not be just to hold an organization liable, absolutely, for every instance of employee negligence, there is a rationale for imposing such liability in many cases. For example, many types of industries entail potential danger to others that are inherent to the industry. Individual workers are not likely to be capable of compensating victims of their negligence, but the employer benefits and profits financially by engaging in the particular industry.
Therefore, the employer should not necessarily escape liability for compensating all harm caused by their activities, regardless of fault in particular instances. A nurse is responsible for making an inquiry if there is uncertainty about the accuracy of a physician's medication order in a patient's record. Explain the process a nurse should use to evaluate whether or not to make an inquiry into the accuracy of the physician's medication order. Like other highly trained professionals, experienced nurses…. References Abrams, N. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Caplan, a.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Starr, P. New York: Basic Books. Healthcare Access The health of any single person is the most important and most limiting factor about that person's ability to complete physical tasks and live a useful and purposeful life. Healthcare is a term that is widely used but never discussed in how it can best be accessed. The purpose of this essay is to identify and describe a useful plan that helps solve the dilemma of people acquiring a proper and useful source of healthcare. The ethical component of the situation will also be introduced to help demonstrate how practical this plan can be. To many, healthcare is often associated with doctors, nurses, hospitals, drugs and surgery. It seems that more people are sick or are diseased with some sort of affliction than ever before.
Tanner made the point that "a closer look shows that nearly all health care systems worldwide are wrestling with problems of rising…. References Cohen, J. Does Preventive Care Save Money? The New England Journal Of Medicine, 14 Feb Reviewing Medical Ethics. Philosophy International Journal Of Health, 12 June Tanner, M. The Grass is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care Systems Around the World. CATO Institute, 18 Mar It appears the dangers of a commercialized healthcare system have demonstrated that this beastly practice of profiting off the sick is not good for the society at many different level it contains. Healthcare discussions of this matter do not belong in a committee that is dedicated to commercial purposes.
Medicare and Medicaid were successful in the past in spite of the many governmental forces that played a role in their existence, but like all things these are old and obsolete ways of dealing with this current crisis of confusion. A philosophical mindset, absent from this meeting, that included individual responsibility and preventative efforts to maintain health should be emphasized from leaders. Safety can never be guaranteed, neither can good health, so to offer such promises of universal coverage is over-idealistic if not criminally negligent. Like the answer to most problems, the solutions are local and come from within communities and…. Healthcare Standards there are three parts. PAT A EQUIES 4 DIFFEENT ANSWES Standard: ICDPCS "ICDPCS is intended to replace ICD-9 volume 3 for facility reporting of inpatient procedures….
ICDPCS is a totally new coding system designed to better accommodate the rapidly changing world of procedures. The code system was developed in the s, but use of the continually updated codes will start almost 20 years later. This new standard is supposed to be more accurate and reflective of current healthcare realities than standards of the past, but it is uncertain if in its implementation this promise will be realized. Current status of implementation This standard has yet to be fully implemented. Three major issues related to implementation status…. References About ASC X ASC X cfm Dimick, Chris. Learning and using ICDPCS. Journal of AHIMA. Stated to be barriers in the current environment and responsible for the reporting that is inadequate in relation to medical errors are: Lack of a common understanding about errors among health care professionals Physicians generally think of errors as individual that resulted from patient morbidity or mortality.
Physicians report errors in medical records that have in turn been ignored by researchers. Interestingly errors in medication occur in almost 1 of every 5 doses provided to patients in hospitals. It was stated by Kaushal, et al. Using their figure, we estimated that the sensitivity of using a keyword search on explicit error reports to detect medication errors in inpatients is about 0. They also reported the Assessing the Impact of Continuous Quality Improvement on Clinical Practice: What It Will Take to Accelerate Progress. Health Policy Monitor A Publication of the Council of State Governments Vol. The infant mortality rate is of 8. This rate places Kuwait on the th position on the chart of the CIA. In terms of economy, Kuwait is a relatively open, small and wealthy economy. It relies extensively on oil exports -- petroleum exports for instance account for 95 per cent of the total export revenues as well as for 95 per cent of the federal income.
The Kuwaiti representatives have recently set the goal of increasing the oil production per day. Currently, Kuwait is facing the pressures of the internationalized economic crisis -- which however, due to recent economic surpluses in Kuwait, affects the economy to a lower extent. Simultaneously with the increase in oil production, the Kuwaiti authorities are also focusing on diversifying the economic activities in the sense of supporting…. References: Agency, Kuwait News. Al-Ansari, H. And S. Al-Awadhi, Olusi, Al-Saeid, Moussa, et. Al-Baho, A. Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization. As a woman enters her geriatric years, many unique problems are also faced.
Her post-menopausal period leaves a woman with increased risk of osteoporosis, and hormone-replacement therapy may need to be considered or dismissed depending upon the needs and wellness of the individual women. Additionally, increased risk for obesity begins nearly at the adolescent period, when women's hormone loads change and often activity of childhood decreases. The incidence of obesity and overweight among women perpetually increases with every year of life. Another measure that private insurers do is that the medical attention varies along the United States, in some states like New York, the insurers charge more premiums therefore making other individuals vulnerable who come from the states where the cost is a bit low.
The Medicare for all provides a uniform platform in every state however the development of the state. The universal Medicare is a third party system therefore insulating the patients from the medical costs, this shield the patients from stress to make decisions regarding the cost of treatment. The universal health program is the only remedy for the middle class earners who are in midst fear that they might be bankrupt in the event that they fall ill. Conclusion The Medicare for all is a measure that tends to provide all Americans with quality health coverage which is comprehensive enough to cover all aspects of health and the health can be accessed by everyone.
Although critics to it say that the quality of health will be compromised but I stand to challenge them by asking them, what is the essence of quality when there is no access to the product itself? Best, M. Insurance reports: life health. Indiana : Indiana university. Levine, A. shock therapy for the American health care system. New York: ABC-CLIO. Plunkett, W. Insurance industry. New York: Plunkett research Ltd. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it.
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